Your mind is the greatest battle field. The only way the enemy can get access to you and your life is if you give him agreement. Satans hope is that you will come into agreement with any of the lies that he swirls around you. If you’re not cautious you end up in high frustrations, irritations, and quarrels with people you love when it’s the whispers of lies of the enemy that’s swirling around you in that moment. The whispers of the enemy isn’t always a direct whisper. Most times it looks like the thoughts in your mind. This is one of the few ways the enemys dart comes at you. Pay…
Rising in your True Identity: Defeating the Enemy by Nurturing your Temple
Longevity to health begins with obedience to the Lord to take care of the temple in which the Holy Spirit lives in. The temple is YOUR body. The spirit of the living God lives INSIDE of YOU! That is an honor. It matters what you’re watching, eating, drinking, and listening to. All of these things feed something. That which you feed into your body (His temple) will grow. What are you growing? Do an honest evaluation of how much of what is going into your body. Take a few minutes or more and write them all down. To help you, here are things to think about: > What are you watching, listening to, and reading…
Growing in Character: Aligning with God’s Will for Maturity
Maturing in love & humility while honoring others before yourself must become a part of you. Maturity in your character aligning with Gods is a true must. There’s no shortcuts for a reason. Be thankful, not frustrated, that He doesn’t give you things or advance you forward if you’re not ready for it. Perhaps, He is waiting for you. If the place you’re in or have been in has felt too comfortable, then ask God to show you the choices you’ve made in your flesh over what God said to do. You chose your own comfort over what God said and wonder why you’re still stuck where you are. At the same time it is…
Guard Your Pearls
Just because God gave you a revelation, doesn’t mean you can go telling everyone. You walk in a secret garden with Christ in a relationship. It is because of a deepened relationship God trusts you with more of His secrets. Ask God what you are suppose to do with what He told you about. Ask God why He spoke it to you or showed you. It may be for a prayer burden or even to be saved for later. This is an area that the Lord has been testing many in these recent seasons. He wants to see if He can trust you with deeper things in His relationship with…
Stay Focused
Children of God, do not allow what is happening in the natural to hinder your focus from where God wants it. He continue‘s to shake the Earth and it should not come as a surprise to you. He is shaking everything at a different level right now and what is unshakable is what is to remain; which are the things of the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though what we are seeing happen in the natural can make us emotional, do not have emotional attachments with it. Yes, one tends to get sad over things, but do not let it rule over your focus. You are to keep your eyes locked…
Love, Forgiveness, & Healing
Love really is the way. Though, it can be challenging to learn in day to day life. You are not perfect and no one else is either. The important thing is to truly do your best to apply love daily as situations, circumstances, and conversations arise. Be completely honest with yourself and ask yourself two questions: 1. “Am I truly doing my best?” and 2. “Am I being the person I want to be daily?” Now, don’t go and take out your frustrations physically and/or verbally on people you love. Instead take it all to God and deal with it there. If you need to process through something, then go…
Re-Evaluate Yourself In the Fire
Remember that LOVE is an action. If you love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, and might then show your love to God by how you live. Here are some things to consider in this season: —-> Does the way you live speak to others about how much you love God? —-> Are you making choices to please man or the Father in Heaven? —-> What is the message that people read from your lifestyle? —-> Are you truly giving your best? There are so many distractions in this world. You have to use His discernment and wisdom to walk through this place; which is but a…
The Divine Demolition
Personal and Corporate Demolition:He put a pause on the Earth to cause a demolition, through the shaking, both corporately on this Earth and personally in the life of His people. A demolition of the belief systems corporately and in the lives of His people personally that does not align with the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. God has been shedding the light to expose all true intentions and motives, intentionally. In order for God to bring a correction and re-alignment, the exposure corporately and personally in the life of His people is needed. This has been a divine shaking and divine demolition; as God is getting ready to clean up.…
Blood Line Shifters: God’s Doing A Mighty Work & Deliverance
This time of transition has been an interesting one. God is working on giving opportunity to close off what’s left of the old land, as well as healing and deliverance personally and in your lineage (blood line). Pay attention to your situations and circumstances that come about. It is not always the enemy. God does allow situations and circumstances to draw things out for you to clearly see and identify. It is vital you ask for His eyes to see and for His understanding. Gain Gods perspective on anything that you’re dealing with. Ask God: God are you exposing something in this situation?, Is there something you want me to see?, God when you…
Encouragement for the Shaking & Crossing of a Major Threshold (Video)