• Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    Training Through Resistance: Embracing God’s Process for Strength, Endurance, and Obedience

    Allow God to teach you through everything going on around you right now. Instead of complaining or getting super frustrated, let God show you a new perspective on all matters. Can you have strength training without any resistance? No, it’s not possible.  The resistance must be present in order for your muscles to have opportunity to strengthen.  If there is no resistance, there is no strengthening.  Training is everything. During the time you’re being strengthened, you’re also being given endurance.  Endurance means to bear an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.  How can you have the opportunity to be strengthened with endurance without resistance?  It’s not possible! …

  • A good alt-text for this image could be: “A serene bamboo forest with sunlight streaming through the tall, green stalks and leafy canopy above.”
    Encouragement,  General Encouragement

    Rooted in Unity: Strengthening the Body of Christ Through Love and Connection

    As I sat with with God this morning, He gave me the following scripture: ”My friends, if someone is caught in any kind of wrongdoing, those of you who are spiritual should set him right; but you must do it in a gentle way. And keep an eye on yourselves, so that you will not be tempted, too.”-Galatians 6:1 After I read the scripture a couple of times, I heard “just like the trees do”. I knew exactly what He was talking about and went to go do some more research on it anyway. You see, if you have a bunch of trees together as in the forest, the part…

  • Stand firm on your rock
    Encouragement,  General Encouragement

    The Battlefield of the Mind: How to Resist the Enemy’s Lies and Stand Firm in Faith

    Your mind is the greatest battle field.  The only way the enemy can get access to you and your life is if you give him agreement.  Satans hope is that you will come into agreement with any of the lies that he swirls around you.  If you’re not cautious you end up in high frustrations, irritations, and quarrels with people you love when it’s the whispers of lies of the enemy that’s swirling around you in that moment. The whispers of the enemy isn’t always a direct whisper. Most times it looks like the thoughts in your mind. This is one of the few ways the enemys dart comes at you. Pay…

  • Encouragement,  General Encouragement

    Rising in your True Identity: Defeating the Enemy by Nurturing your Temple

    Longevity to health begins with obedience to the Lord to take care of the temple in which the Holy Spirit lives in.  The temple is YOUR body.  The spirit of the living God lives INSIDE of YOU! That is an honor.  It matters what you’re watching, eating, drinking, and listening to.  All of these things feed something. That which you feed into your body (His temple) will grow. What are you growing? Do an honest evaluation of how much of what is going into your body. Take a few minutes or more and write them all down. To help you, here are things to think about:  >  What are you watching, listening to, and reading…

  • Encouragement,  General Encouragement

    Growing in Character: Aligning with God’s Will for Maturity

    Maturing in love & humility while honoring others before yourself must become a part of you.  Maturity in your character aligning with Gods is a true must.  There’s no shortcuts for a reason.  Be thankful, not frustrated, that He doesn’t give you things or advance you forward if you’re not ready for it.  Perhaps, He is waiting for you.  If the place you’re in or have been in has felt too comfortable, then ask God to show you the choices you’ve made in your flesh over what God said to do.   You chose your own comfort over what God said and wonder why you’re still stuck where you are.  At the same time it is…

  • Encouragement,  General Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    Guard Your Pearls

    Just because God gave you a revelation, doesn’t mean you can go telling everyone. You walk in a secret garden with Christ in a relationship. It is because of a deepened relationship God trusts you with more of His secrets. Ask God what you are suppose to do with what He told you about. Ask God why He spoke it to you or showed you. It may be for a prayer burden or even to be saved for later. This is an area that the Lord has been testing many in these recent seasons. He wants to see if He can trust you with deeper things in His relationship with…

  • Encouragement,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Guard Yourself By Staying In The Secret Place

    Did you realize that the tactics of Satan have not changed since the garden with Adam and Eve? The whispers you hear from the enemy are not much of an issue compared to you agreeing with those whispers. Satan can whisper all He wants. It’s a problem when you take the bait that Satan laid out for you. You taking the bait is coming into agreement and alignment with what the enemy says. This is how a hole in your armor is made. Be careful of what you come into agreement and alignment with. This is exactly what happened back in the garden with Eve and then Adam. The enemy’s…

  • Encouragement

    He Has Heard Your Pure Cries of Anguish

    To those who have been patiently waiting for the birthing of their calling & the fulfillment of their promises: God has heard your pure cries in anguish like Hannah.  He has seen you and your pure intentions and desires.  God is working out things behind the scenes. Trust in His perfect timing.  Walk day by day moment by moment remembering who you are and to whom you belong to.  You serve a God who is not a man that He should lie.  Every word He sends forth never returns to Him void.  He never left you nor forsook you.  You keep doing what He says to you, whether you understand it or not, and He will…

  • Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    Pioneers, Forerunners, & Ice-Breakers in the Fire of Refinement

    Many of you are suddenly going through another level of shaking in your life.  This is a storm sent by God to refine you as God prepares you for advancing forward to all that you are called to be.  Give yourself grace in this process.  Ask God to give you his perspective on any situations and circumstances because not everything that looks negative is the devil.  We tend to resort to rebuking the devil for everything.  Slow down for a moment to identify it first. One of the things He is working on is your character maturity in this fire of refinement.  Ask God for eyes to see.  It is important that you see through His perspective…

  • Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    Moses & Saul: Obedience and Consequences

    Consequences to your choices are real.  Let’s take a look at a some scriptures that God highlighted to me this morning to share with you. “10 There has never been another prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. 11 The Lord sent him to perform all the miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt against Pharaoh, and all his servants, and his entire land. 12 With mighty power, Moses performed terrifying acts in the sight of all Israel.” – Deuteronomy 34:10-12 48 That same day the Lord said to Moses, 49 “Go to Moab, to the mountains east of the river,[a] and climb Mount Nebo, which is across from Jericho. Look out…