• Let it go and leap
    Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    Let It Go & Leap!

    The time has come for some of you to step by faith into all God has called you to; into all you have been waiting for. It is important on this day of Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, that you intentionally take time out and allow God to speak to about anything at all that is out of alignment with His will for you. As, I sit here and process with God, the thing that comes to mind is those times that one may build things on and of their own during the waiting period (which wasn’t easy). Many times while in the waiting, knowing what God said, we start acting…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement,  General Encouragement

    Re-Evaluate Yourself In the Fire

    Remember that LOVE is an action. If you love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, and might then show your love to God by how you live. Here are some things to consider in this season: —-> Does the way you live speak to others about how much you love God? —-> Are you making choices to please man or the Father in Heaven? —-> What is the message that people read from your lifestyle? —-> Are you truly giving your best? There are so many distractions in this world. You have to use His discernment and wisdom to walk through this place; which is but a…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    Remember Where You are Seated!

    Stay focused in the midst of the windy weather in the spirit realm. Don’t let the sudden negative situations that come about, sway you away from the place that you’ve worked hard to reach. Stay focused with your gaze locked on the author and finisher of your faith Jesus Christ! Remember that you are seated in the Heavenly places! No matter what the wind and the waves around you are shouting, you are seated far above all of that. You get to choose to either stare at the wind and the waves (being tossed in it to and fro) or let God teach you how to walk in the knowing…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    You Believed & Stood Your Ground

    Through thick and thin you have remained in the position of still believing all that God has spoken to you. You have stood this ground of full faith and trust in God even when all situations and circumstances shouted the opposite. You have shown that you indeed walk by faith and not by sight! He hasn’t forgotten all that He has said to you.Soon, very soon, you will see the cloud the size of a man’s hand and it will begin to rain. You see the cloud was a sign that the rain is coming. Be encourage that the rain is coming. Know that you do not need to explain…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    Opportunity to Strengthen your Foundation

    In this season, allow God to work on the areas that need realignment, ,strengthening and maturation. God is still working to close off the old land in your life. Every negative situation and circumstance (even conversations) that comes up, ask God what He is exposing to you. Opportunities to heal and mature are at hand. Ask God for eyes to see what that looks like for you. If there are any cracks in your foundation, this is the time He exposing things to do the final touches. Your response to God matters as He is preparing for you to crossover into your promised land. Choose wisely because consequences to your…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement,  Miscellaneous

    Fierce Warriors!

    To the warriors of God who are called to arise in this hour, pay attention! Keep your eyes locked on the author and finisher of your faith! Do not let what you see make you forget what God said. Pay attention and listen intentionally to His voice. Apply the Heavenly strategies that will be given to you in and for a time such as this! Things are not as they seem to the natural eyes! Ask God for eyes to see! Ask God for His perspective! Ask God for His understanding! 37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    It’s an Adventure with the Holy Spirit

    Pay attention to each moment in your day and be watchful as any situations come about. Choose wisely what to invest in. How you choose to handle things is your responsibility. Anything that comes up, take a pause to think, and then make your choice. Tread carefully as each given moment in your day is an “opportunity” to apply what God has taught you using the wisdom He gave you. It’s better to take your time to choose wisely then to rush to make quick decisions that backfire at you. Ask God to give you eyes to see the “opportunities” in your day to apply what He has taught you.…