Let it go and leap
Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

Let It Go & Leap!

The time has come for some of you to step by faith into all God has called you to; into all you have been waiting for.

It is important on this day of Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement, that you intentionally take time out and allow God to speak to about anything at all that is out of alignment with His will for you.

As, I sit here and process with God, the thing that comes to mind is those times that one may build things on and of their own during the waiting period (which wasn’t easy). Many times while in the waiting, knowing what God said, we start acting upon building certain things because we are unable to wait for that perfect timing. Sometimes we do it because all we do is hear silence from Gods end and we don’t know what to do with that. Many times we do not realize that what we were building and how we did it was more for us than for God.

Take this to God and allow Him to show you any place that you may have acted upon something He called you to do before its time and/or in your own way. Once He reveals it to you, take the time to ask for forgiveness and repent. It is important to make room in the areas that God will expose to you to let go. Letting something go is what makes room for the new He wants to give you in those particular areas. Don’t hesitate in letting go because anytime God asks you to let anything go, it only means He has something better for you in that place.

I know the process to just let go is not always easy. The thing you need to do is “invite” God into the process. No one said you’re doing it alone. You have the power and presence of God that lives IN you. You are not alone. He is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you.

Walk in obedience and let go of what He asks of you. It’s not worth hanging on to. Remember that God can see everything that you cannot. Remember that you won’t always understand what He asks of you; sometimes you will know later on. You just have to leap out in faith and trust Him. You can trust Him because He is God, a good good father.

Let it go so you can grow and leap!
Let it go and don’t look back!

You’ve got this! Be blessed!

The Call of Abram (Genesis 12:1-2)
The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country,

your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land
that I will show you. 2 I will make you into a great nation. I will bless
you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.

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