Through thick and thin you have remained in the position of still believing all that God has spoken to you. You have stood this ground of full faith and trust in God even when all situations and circumstances shouted the opposite. You have shown that you indeed walk by faith and not by sight! He hasn’t forgotten all that He has said to you.
Soon, very soon, you will see the cloud the size of a man’s hand and it will begin to rain. You see the cloud was a sign that the rain is coming. Be encourage that the rain is coming. Know that you do not need to explain yourself to anyone…LET THE RAIN DO THE TALKING!
You stay positioned on your firm rock and solid foundation of Christ fully believing that God will do what He said He would! Allow Him to do in you what He needs to. Ask for eyes to see and ask for His understanding. God is doing things in a way that is outside the box of our own human thinking. He is about to do what only He can do. Great job coming this far! Keep going and don’t give up; it’s worth it for His Glory and for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Stand ready Mighty Warrior and Beloved Bride of Christ! Remember, it’s not about you…it’s about HIM.
Betty Mickles
Thank you so very much for the word’s of encouragement.
Betty Mickles
You’re welcome. All the glory to our God.
Keep your eyes locked on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith. Intentionally linger in the secret place and listen to what He has to say. Continually stay in a position of thankfulness and praise (psalm 100). Take the time to thank God daily just like Daniel did 3 times a day. God bless you abundantly! Gods got you and you’ve got this!!!! Shalom!
Ade King
Great word Sanjna! I also watched both your video clips on YouTube this week and they were a tremendous blessing to me. The word of God is alive and active, sharper than a double edged sword!! Heb 4:12
Thank you again
Much love in Christ