Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement,  General Encouragement

Re-Evaluate Yourself In the Fire

Remember that LOVE is an action. If you love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, and might then show your love to God by how you live.

Here are some things to consider in this season:

—-> Does the way you live speak to others about how much you love God?

—-> Are you making choices to please man or the Father in Heaven?

—-> What is the message that people read from your lifestyle?

—-> Are you truly giving your best?

There are so many distractions in this world. You have to use His discernment and wisdom to walk through this place; which is but a temporary place for you. This the place where we you can impact peoples lives.
If you say: “Lord, I will do anything to follow you. I will do what you say because I want the frequency of my heart to flow with the frequency of your heart.” Then, does your daily action choices show that you really want to align with the frequency of His heart. It is something to think about. Give an honest evaluation of your life. Do not be afraid to do that. At the end of your life, no one will be standing there with you. It will just be you and God.

You are free to choose what you like. Though you are not free from the consequences of your choices. Stop blaming God for consequences you may be walking from the choices you made. No one is perfect but it is your duty to make sure you are doing your best to follow the way to live as outlined in the Bible. It is the work of Christ that perfects you. It is important to pay attention to what you watch, eat, drink, do etc.

Not a single person is exempt from this. It is important to be open to accountability & honest feedback. Be real to yourself and others. God loves you as you are but you are accountable & responsible for your choices. No one can do that for you. Time to re-evaluate!

-Spoken in love. Be blessed in abundance!

| Honesty | Integrity | Love | Humility | Selflessness |

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