Encouragement,  General Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

The Divine Demolition

Personal and Corporate Demolition:
He put a pause on the Earth to cause a demolition, through the shaking, both corporately on this Earth and personally in the life of His people.  A demolition of the belief systems corporately and in the lives of His people personally that does not align with the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. God has been shedding the light to expose all true intentions and motives, intentionally. In order for God to bring a correction and re-alignment, the exposure corporately and personally in the life of His people is needed. This has been a divine shaking and divine demolition; as God is getting ready to clean up. The shaking and demolition has to start in the lives of His people personally first and then corporately across the Earth.

Divine Resistance:
You have to be willing to see from God’s perspective.  Don’t be afraid to let God put up the mirror that shows you where He wants to work in you.  Don’t be afraid to let God put up the mirror that shows you what God sees when He looks at you. God, is your Heavenly Father who deeply cares about you and wants to see you free. His heart is heavy for you. He has not forgotten about you. He has been working in you in the midst of the divine storm. It has been hard to see anything but what’s right in front of you.

There is a reason to go intentionally against the resistance of the divine storm. Each step you take only strengthens you and builds up in you more stamina, endurance, balance, wisdom and stability. Each step you take is moving you forward in a way you never saw coming. Pay attention and listen to God’s still small voice that leads you.

”For we live by believing and not by seeing.”
-2 Corinthians 5:7

The Pain Has A Purpose:
He wants to set you free as well as bring respite, relief and justice in the places of your pain.  The pain has a purpose.  Let Him into those broken places and He will fill it with His glory as you allow Him to heal you. Don’t be afraid to feel the pain again because this time it’s meant to go; if you choose to let it go.  Trust me that it’s worth it and that this is part of what you have asked for. I know it hurts, but God wants to heal you for good. Let go of your control in the different areas of pain that He shows you and let God take control. If you continue to hold on to the pain in the different areas, it will continue to trigger and hurt you. God knows what He is doing.

Letting Go of the Old:
In the process of letting go, you will make more room for the new that God has already planned for you.  The things you have been waiting for is just up ahead.   Be thankful that He doesn’t give you things before you are actually prepared for it.   Sometimes you think you’re ready but God knows you’re not.  His no is not a denial but rather a “wait you’re not ready yet”. While you keep hearing His, “no” or , “not yet”, God reaches out to speak to you about areas that need to be realigned. It may be things like: your strategies (from the world) vs Gods (Kingdom ways), your vision vs Gods, your perspective (through pains/hurts/arrogance/pride etc) vs His perspective, your believed mindsets vs Kingdom mindsets, old visions vs a new one He wants to give you etc. Ask Him to show you and speak to you about what those areas are for you.

Opportunity to let go of things in the old land is at hand because it has no permission to go with you into the new.  Heeding to the process step by step will ultimately take you through a Holy demolition of everything that is not God period. You cannot build on top of a weak foundation. If you build what God gives you on a weak foundation, then what you build will fall. Allow Him to inspect and reveal the cracks in the foundation.

You said yes to God with an exclamation point but say no when the time comes to properly deal and process certain things. It is challenging to come face to face with our hurts, pains, wounds, character flaws, etc. but allowing God to speak to you and accepting His wisdom will help you. The path is narrow and it is not easy, but rather easier because you have the I AM and Christ on our side at all times. He never left you nor forsook you. You called on His name and each time He responded.

You can’t go into the new with the old mindset and old ways.  It won’t work in the new. You have to be refocused and retuned for what is up ahead.  It’s a whole different level and a whole new song in the place that you are being led to. Ask God to give you His perspective in all areas of your life.  Ask Him to give you His perspective and understanding on the broken areas in your life that He is exposing because it needs to be dealt with.  

This has been a season and time where EVERYTHING in your life must be laid out on the table.  All your intentions, motives, character, attributes, habits formed through pain, etc.  Everything means everything! Nothing stays hidden from God.  He does it to free you and to mature you.  The opportunity is at hand.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.
Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking,
and the door will be opened to you.“
Matthew 7:7

You want the new wine flow but you don’t want to do the work it takes to slip out of the old wineskin into the new one. You feel dry because the old wine has dried out. Appreciate the gift of time that God is giving to you so that you can go from the old wineskin into the new. It takes courage, boldness, consistency, discipline, and being intentional. You can do this and it is possible through God!

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the
wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the
skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.”
-Mark 2:22

It’s almost time to “Arise & Shine”, let Him polish and buff you to bring out the shine in you, His diamond!   For you, O Child of God, are a light in the darkness for such a time as this! 

Be encouraged mighty warrior of God!


Dear God, 
I ask that you touch and bless this child of God reading right now.  Give this child of God your strength to be able to see everything you reveal to them and your strength to walk it through.  Thank you for this child of Gods life.  Thank you for your hand of grace, mercy, favor, and protection over their life.  Speak to this child of God in a way you know he/she will understand you.  I speak out, according to 2 Corinthians 10:5, that every thought in their mind comes captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ now! Everything I have asked, I ask in the name of Jesus and believe it is sealed, received, ÷done here and now! Amen! 

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