• Encouragement,  General Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    The Divine Demolition

    Personal and Corporate Demolition:He put a pause on the Earth to cause a demolition, through the shaking, both corporately on this Earth and personally in the life of His people.  A demolition of the belief systems corporately and in the lives of His people personally that does not align with the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. God has been shedding the light to expose all true intentions and motives, intentionally. In order for God to bring a correction and re-alignment, the exposure corporately and personally in the life of His people is needed. This has been a divine shaking and divine demolition; as God is getting ready to clean up.…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    It’s an Adventure with the Holy Spirit

    Pay attention to each moment in your day and be watchful as any situations come about. Choose wisely what to invest in. How you choose to handle things is your responsibility. Anything that comes up, take a pause to think, and then make your choice. Tread carefully as each given moment in your day is an “opportunity” to apply what God has taught you using the wisdom He gave you. It’s better to take your time to choose wisely then to rush to make quick decisions that backfire at you. Ask God to give you eyes to see the “opportunities” in your day to apply what He has taught you.…