• How do I pray for myself?,  How to Pray for my Family,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Armor of God Prayer

    According to Ephesians 6:10-17, I thank you God for the supernatural armor that you have provided. I speak and believe that I (and my family) have on the entire armor of God: the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the spirit, shield of faith, belt of truth, and feet covered with the gospel of peace. Thank you God for your hand of grace, mercy, favor, and protection. I trust and acknowledge that your presence and your Holy angels are here now. Thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will be doing in and through my life (and the life of my family). Everything I have…

  • How do I pray for myself?,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Perspective Shifting Prayer

    Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you in humility under your mighty hand.  According to Psalm 100:4, I choose to enter your Gates with thanksgiving and go into Your courts with praise; I give thanks to You and praise Your name!  I surrender all my situations and circumstances to you under the blood of Jesus. I pray that You, Heavenly Father, will place your lens over my eyes so that I can see myself, those around me, and all my situations and circumstances, as well as everything under my stewardship from Heaven through Your eyes.  Let me be able to see through your eyes and feel through your heart all…

  • How do I pray for myself?,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    How do you start your day?

    Sometimes the morning can be such a rush!  Although, some time with God in the mornings will make your day so much better!  I have 3 kids and a husband.  During the week, I have to get the kids to school and do that whole run.  As well as, make my husband his coffee to go and breakfast.   I thought I should share what I do. Regardless of all this, I have always made one point and that is to give the first fruits of my day to the Lord.  As soon as my feet hit the ground from getting out of bed, I just sit and pray; even…