• Prayer Tips & Tools

    A Prayer of Gratitude

    It is important to always stay focused on thankfulness no matter what you are facing. Don’t get too caught up in always praying protection from evil things. I am not saying don’t pray for those things but rather have a balance in prayer. Praying, praising, and being humbly positioned daily in gratitude can shift the atmosphere in itself. Gratitude prayer: O Sovereign living God, I thank you for the opportunity to lift your name on high. I thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will be doing in and through my life. Thank you for always meeting my needs. Thank you for divine health, healing and wholeness.…

  • Encouragement,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Guard Yourself By Staying In The Secret Place

    Did you realize that the tactics of Satan have not changed since the garden with Adam and Eve? The whispers you hear from the enemy are not much of an issue compared to you agreeing with those whispers. Satan can whisper all He wants. It’s a problem when you take the bait that Satan laid out for you. You taking the bait is coming into agreement and alignment with what the enemy says. This is how a hole in your armor is made. Be careful of what you come into agreement and alignment with. This is exactly what happened back in the garden with Eve and then Adam. The enemy’s…

  • How do I pray for myself?,  How to Pray for my Family,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Armor of God Prayer

    According to Ephesians 6:10-17, I thank you God for the supernatural armor that you have provided. I speak and believe that I (and my family) have on the entire armor of God: the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the spirit, shield of faith, belt of truth, and feet covered with the gospel of peace. Thank you God for your hand of grace, mercy, favor, and protection. I trust and acknowledge that your presence and your Holy angels are here now. Thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will be doing in and through my life (and the life of my family). Everything I have…

  • Prayer Tips & Tools,  Praying for your house

    Prayer For Your Home

    God I thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will be doing in my life and through my life. I thank you for this place I live in. Thank you for taking care of me, and my family, by providing a place to live. I lift up this home and property to you and claim this ground as Holy Ground that belongs to you first. I cover my house from the rooftop to the foundations, inside the house in every crease, crevice and crack with the living blood of Jesus Christ. I apply the blood of Jesus all the way around, above and below every room and…

  • Prayer Tips & Tools

    Prayer for Taking Communion

    Taking communion regularly is truly important and an amazing thing to be a part of.  Remember that taking communion does have a level of seriousness to it as well.  When you take communion, you are partaking in the body that Jesus broke for you and the blood that Jesus shed for you.  According to the word of God, you are to take communion to remember what He did for you and to remember the new covenant that was made between God and His people.  It is because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we now have grace. You are to examine yourself before taking communion.  Take a…

  • Prayer Tips & Tools,  Prayers for Wives

    A Prayer to help Wives Submit to their Husbands

    As wives, we are to submit to the authority of our husbands without fear or intimidation.  Since God asks us to submit to our husbands, when we do it we are obeying God.  Not submitting to our husbands’ authority is disobedience to God.   Take this seriously, as the changes you seek in your life, are important to you.  For any change to happen in your life, it needs to come purely and in truth from your heart and not just from the surface.  Your motives and intentions matter. Each one of us has a unique situation in our relationships.  Seek the Holy Spirit for divine insight and strategy for your…

  • Prayer Tips & Tools,  Purpose/Destiny/Calling

    Prayer to Break Powers Of Darkness Against Your Calling

    As I pursued my calling and was walking it out obeying the very steps God was speaking to me to do, I found that as I would hit the peak of passion for a project, over the following day or two later, the passion would literally die!  I knew I was supposed to do it and wanted to but there was a strange unexplanatory block that happened often. For months I kept asking God to reveal it to me as to why this is happening and how to bring in the consistent flow of productivity so that I can do all the things He is asking of me.  This is…

  • How do I pray for myself?,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Perspective Shifting Prayer

    Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you in humility under your mighty hand.  According to Psalm 100:4, I choose to enter your Gates with thanksgiving and go into Your courts with praise; I give thanks to You and praise Your name!  I surrender all my situations and circumstances to you under the blood of Jesus. I pray that You, Heavenly Father, will place your lens over my eyes so that I can see myself, those around me, and all my situations and circumstances, as well as everything under my stewardship from Heaven through Your eyes.  Let me be able to see through your eyes and feel through your heart all…

  • How to Pray for my Family,  Prayer Tips & Tools

    Praying for Your Family Protection (every morning)

    Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up myself, ______________ (name all your family members) and I cover us with the blood of Jesus from the tops of our head to the souls of our feet.  I decree and declare that we have on the entire armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18): the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the spirit, the shield of faith, and our feet covered with the gospel of peace.  I ask you to wash us over with your Shalom and release your peace that surpasses all understanding that will guard our hearts and minds (Philippians 4:7).  I decree and declare that our armor of…

  • Encouragement,  Miscellaneous,  Prayer Tips & Tools,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    Go to THE Secret Place!

    This morning as I sit here, I heard loud and clear, “DO NOT FORSAKE THE SECRET PLACE!!!” There are many distractions going on for the last 2-3 days suddenly.  The purpose of the sudden fiery darts of distractions are as follows: to keep you from praying to to keep you from focusing on the vision God gave you to keep you from being able to get in the Word to keep you specifically focused on the fiery darts This is what I just heard: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may…