Prayer Tips & Tools,  Purpose/Destiny/Calling

Prayer to Break Powers Of Darkness Against Your Calling

As I pursued my calling and was walking it out obeying the very steps God was speaking to me to do, I found that as I would hit the peak of passion for a project, over the following day or two later, the passion would literally die!  I knew I was supposed to do it and wanted to but there was a strange unexplanatory block that happened often.

For months I kept asking God to reveal it to me as to why this is happening and how to bring in the consistent flow of productivity so that I can do all the things He is asking of me.  This is how this prayer was birthed!

Now I want to share it with you so that you can unlock your potential and stop the demonic torment that you may or may not have realized was there against not only you but your purpose, destiny, and calling from God.   If you have or are experiencing this, the enemy is afraid of what you are capable of and what God is about to do through you.  Enough is enough!  Break it off and pray this as often as you feel through the Holy Spirit leading you to.

Before you begin this prayer there are a couple things to consider.   Take the time to write out a detailed list of everything you are called to steward.  This is important in order to make this a targeted prayer into all the areas and layers of the areas, of what you are called to do.  Also, ask the Holy Spirit to help you through this prayer and any prayer.   The Holy Spirit will help you with your list, just ask Him to bring it to your memory.  There are many times that as you pray, the Holy Spirit may fill your mouth with other words or phrases that are specific to you that is needed along with the provided prayer(s).

The battlefield is in the mind, so therefore before you start praying, consider the simplicity of having faith that whatever you will ask in the name of Jesus, it WILL be done.  Doubt causes us to waver and hinders what we receive.  When you ask be sure your faith is in God alone (read James 1:5-8).  Believe it and when you are done praying, that’s all IT IS DONE! 

12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me
will do the same works I have done, and even greater works,
because I am going to be with the Father.
 13 You can ask for
anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the
Son can bring glory to the Father.

14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!”

-John 14:12-14 (NLT)


  • Note: when “children” are reference below, it refers to the demonic satanic children in the realms within the powers of darkness.
  • Note: chatter refers to gossip that happens in the spiritual realms knowingly, unknowingly, intentional and unintentional.  Words have power and negative words impact us negatively through the spiritual atmosphere.


Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you now by entering your gates with thanksgiving, entering your courts with praise and giving you thanks and praise to Your name (Psalm 100:4).

Jesus, in this prayer I lift up every area to all levels of what I am called to by Heaven as written upon the very blueprints for it: (speak out your list of every area and specific tasks you are called to steward)

I break off every single demonic chatter, all works of witchcraft; including jealousy and rebellion (1 Samuel 15:23), every single word curse; rituals; sacrifices; and offerings made here on Earth as well as through demonic and satanic altars with images in and across other realms, dimensions, and timelines, time thieves; purpose thieves; and destiny thieves and their children, dwarf spirits and their children, satanic and demonic agents; satanic and demonic spy assignments, spy agents and spy children;all targeted satanic demonic assignments sent to specifically steal; kill; and destroy the Joy of the Lord and passion for all areas of what I am called to, all assigned watcher spirits, interlopers, and all satanic and demonic networks that have been and are being used against me to all levels known and unknown and every part of my purpose, destiny, and calling in Jesus name!

I cancel all known and unknown evil works in all past, present and future sent against me and my destiny, calling and purpose through all generational and non-generational works of witches, warlocks, and witchdoctors in general and through the Sun, moon, and stars in Jesus name NOW! I declare according to the written word of God that the Sun, moon and stars were made to praise the Lord (Psalm 148:3) and anything beyond this is from the evil one.

I also cancel all known and unknown evil works in all past, present and future sent against me and my destiny, calling and purpose through all generational powers of darkness to all levels, including old familiar spirits, in Jesus name!

God, I ask that all demonic altars set up in and on the Earth; and other realms, timelines, and dimensions to all levels that both do and don’t contain my name and image is struck by the lightening of God that they may know Jesus is Lord.  Activate, release, command, and send forth Your Holy Heavenly Angels to go forth and destroy these setups permanently NOW in Jesus name!

I declare that all wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing assigned to come against me to steer me away from my God-given purpose, destiny, and calling has absolutely no permission in Jesus name!

I ask that the fire of God from the throne room of Heaven come down to burn to ashes any and all existing covenants, contracts, oaths that are generational and non-generational created to work specifically against me and my purpose, destiny, and calling are burned to ashes NOW, in Jesus name!  God, send your Angels now to sweep away the ashes to the pit of hell now!

God, I ask that my name, address, all locations and information about me (and my family) and all that I am called to do is wiped out of the minds of all forms of powers of darkness, including human and non-human entities, sent against me NOW, in Jesus name!

I declare that all duplicate satanic, demonic and masonic set-ups and plans to create them on this Earth and in other realms, timelines, and dimensions in all past, present and future that exist both known and unknown, of all events, prayer gatherings, meetings, conference calls, office/work times, and schedules that I have or will be setting up in the future are hereby completely destroyed by the strike of the lightening of God from the Throne Room of Heaven NOW, in Jesus name!  Activate, release, command, and send forth Your Holy Heavenly Angels to go forth break down and once and for all uproot and completely destruct these set up’s and prevent future ones NOW in Jesus name!

I hereby cancel the works of all time thieves and time thief children that are assigned to steal time and cause delays in all areas and all levels of my purpose, destiny and callings.   I call forth the Angel of Time to come and restore all lost time in acceleration in all areas and all levels of my purpose, destiny, and callings right NOW in Jesus name.  I thank you, Angel of Time, from Heaven for all that you do and agree with your work.

I decree and declare, according to Joel 2:25, the years that the swarming locusts, crawling locusts, consuming locusts and the chewing locusts have taken away will now be restored completely by the Angel of Time, in Jesus name NOW!

I break all known unknown intentional and unintentional agreements I have made through thought, speech, or action with any of the powers of darkness, human and non-human entities and their tactics against me and all areas of my purpose, destiny, and calling NOW, in Jesus name!!!

To replace all of the works of the powers of darkness that was just called out and broken off, I come into agreement instead with the love, joy, peace, hope, and unity through Jesus Christ.  I come into agreement with the joy of the Lord, which is my strength.  I come into agreement with a vessel of the oil of anointing from Heaven to be poured upon my soul (which is mind, will, and emotions), spirit, body and my entire being from the top of my head to the soles of my feet inside and out covering every component and system in my body NOW, in Jesus name!  I come into agreement with restoration, refreshment and a re-alignment to God will and intricate details of the blueprint that I am to carry walk out.  I come into agreement that my heart shall be aligned with my Heavenly Fathers heart.  I come into agreement that my timeline aligns with Gods timeline for all that I am called to.  I come into agreement with all this in the name of Jesus NOW!

I break off all hinderances and demonic blocks in finances and provisions NOW in Jesus name!! I replace that by calling forth the provisions of all types to be loosed from the Heavens and manifest here on Earth for the vision and mandate that I am called to carry, NOW in Jesus name!  Angels of Finance I call you to go forth and bring to me all that is for me to be released from the storehouse of Heaven NOW in Jesus name!!  Thank you, God, that I will receive it all on time.

I decree and declare, according to Isaiah 54:17, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and I silence every voice that is raised up to accuse me NOW, in Jesus name!

I activate, release, command and send forth a host of your Holy Heavenly Angels, and Your messengers in the physical and the spiritual to go ahead of me into all my days and into every intricate detail that is already outlined in the blueprints that Heaven has for all that I am called to steward, to go forth and prepare the way for me NOW, in Jesus name!

I activate, release, command and send forth a host of your Holy Heavenly Angels to go ahead of me into my future timeline to block every attempt of retaliation all the way around above and below me NOW, in Jesus name!

Holy Spirit, I invite your friendship into my life and into all that I am called to steward for the Kingdom of Heaven.  Holy Spirit both fierce and gentle, go forth and do through me what only you can do, in Jesus name.

God, I thank you for everything you have done, are doing, and will be doing in my life.  I decree and declare that all my work and time will be blessed, free of stress and that I will be productive, In Jesus name!

Right now, I seal this entire prayer through all existing known and unknown timelines, ages, realms, and dimensions to all levels and through the universe and the cosmos, through all astrological and astronomical realms and dimensions, from beginning to end and to infinity and beyond in Jesus name NOW!!!

According to Psalm 121, my help comes from the Lord who made the Heavens and the Earth.  I have reached out to you God and have asked all of this in the name of Jesus, and believe all of it is received here and now! Amen and amen!


All the praise, honor, and glory be unto our living God alone!  Thank you, Jesus, for freedom, victory, and deliverance for every person who read this out.


  • Charity


    I saw in your post that you mentioned dwarf spirit. I actually believe that the Holy Spirit whispered this to me and I’m supposed to know what it is. I had never heard of it until recently. Would you mind explaining with any information you may have?

  • Nichole C Lecroix

    Thank you for your prayers. My struggles are spiritual and to receive support is priceless…I’m trying to trust the Lord in casting out this unclean spirit that’s been harassing me for far too long. I need more prayer warriors in my corner and even for my children. My belief is that the spirit realm is more real then the physical. Our agreements are so valuable and we need to learn fast what is right and what is wrong according to Christ morals and values not what pleases us. Because what pleases us if it’s not of God could kill us in the end. My life is completely family and Christ. Sometimes I feel like I’m Buffy or one of the good witches on charmed. The battles are real and oppressed souls need to be free. Anyways keep up the good work and remember that the enemy has no power unless you feed it. Starve evil and wicked deeds and spirits. Thus feed the righteous and good so it will produce good fruit. God bless you and your family. Amen.

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