Personal and Corporate Demolition:He put a pause on the Earth to cause a demolition, through the shaking, both corporately on this Earth and personally in the life of His people. A demolition of the belief systems corporately and in the lives of His people personally that does not align with the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. God has been shedding the light to expose all true intentions and motives, intentionally. In order for God to bring a correction and re-alignment, the exposure corporately and personally in the life of His people is needed. This has been a divine shaking and divine demolition; as God is getting ready to clean up.…
You Believed & Stood Your Ground
Through thick and thin you have remained in the position of still believing all that God has spoken to you. You have stood this ground of full faith and trust in God even when all situations and circumstances shouted the opposite. You have shown that you indeed walk by faith and not by sight! He hasn’t forgotten all that He has said to you.Soon, very soon, you will see the cloud the size of a man’s hand and it will begin to rain. You see the cloud was a sign that the rain is coming. Be encourage that the rain is coming. Know that you do not need to explain…
The Dwelling Place of the Holy Spirit
On the morning of June 14, 2021, I saw a post and it read, “You are a habitation of God. He is not going to come and visit you.” This really hit me hard as it was bringing clarity in an area I have consistently wondered about. In the past, whenever I had prayed at the start of a gathering or time in prayer, I have prayed saying, “God we invite you in this place or Holy Spirit of God we invite you in increase in this place, etc.” Though in my mind, I am thinking, “God is already here and His spirit dwells within us. Then why do we (many in…