• Prophetic Words & Visions

    A Call to Arms & the Remnant

    On the week of November 9, 2109, during the times of downpour rain, I as well as the woman of God I was with, both heard the sound of war drums as the rain hit the top of the vehicle we were in. Each time it rained like that since then, I kept hearing the war drums and not the rain. Almost instantly, God reminded me of the word and visions I had of this during the time period of September 29, 2019-October 1, 2019. This word is for now! Vision of the War Drums: “I have been hearing the war drums from heaven for about three days and have…

  • Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    In the Fire of Re-Assesment

    In this season, you have headed into another level of shaking in your life. You are being tested in the fire. You feel like you cannot wait any longer and it feels like such a long delay. Let me remind you that what looks like delay is not denial. First, you are in a waiting room and it’s challenging for you to just wait and be still when your flesh wants to be doing something. Secondly, the place that God is wanting to send you to is being prepared. Thirdly, while you are in the waiting room, you are being given opportunity to mature and grow in certain areas. Pay…

  • Encouragement,  General Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

    The Divine Demolition

    Personal and Corporate Demolition:He put a pause on the Earth to cause a demolition, through the shaking, both corporately on this Earth and personally in the life of His people.  A demolition of the belief systems corporately and in the lives of His people personally that does not align with the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven. God has been shedding the light to expose all true intentions and motives, intentionally. In order for God to bring a correction and re-alignment, the exposure corporately and personally in the life of His people is needed. This has been a divine shaking and divine demolition; as God is getting ready to clean up.…

  • Daily Encouragement,  Encouragement

    Remember Where You are Seated!

    Stay focused in the midst of the windy weather in the spirit realm. Don’t let the sudden negative situations that come about, sway you away from the place that you’ve worked hard to reach. Stay focused with your gaze locked on the author and finisher of your faith Jesus Christ! Remember that you are seated in the Heavenly places! No matter what the wind and the waves around you are shouting, you are seated far above all of that. You get to choose to either stare at the wind and the waves (being tossed in it to and fro) or let God teach you how to walk in the knowing…

  • Prophetic Words & Visions

    A Word from God About the Generals Releasing Now

    As I was just sitting today looking outside, God started speaking. I typed out word for word what I heard and here it is released: “Now, is the time for me to release my generals forth.  They will be those that the world saw as unqualified and rejected.  The world saw them as incapable and unable…but I, YAHWEH, kept them all hidden while I shaped and formed them.  I kept them hidden to prepare them.  They were hidden for protection by my hand.  Those generals of this hour will rise up as I am releasing a sound forth to call them NOW!  The oil they carry is valuable and has been produced through all they have…