Longevity to health begins with obedience to the Lord to take care of the temple in which the Holy Spirit lives in. The temple is YOUR body. The spirit of the living God lives INSIDE of YOU! That is an honor. It matters what you’re watching, eating, drinking, and listening to. All of these things feed something. That which you feed into your body (His temple) will grow.
What are you growing? Do an honest evaluation of how much of what is going into your body. Take a few minutes or more and write them all down. To help you, here are things to think about:
> What are you watching, listening to, and reading on a regular basis? Write down specifics and how much time it consumes from your daily and weekly life.
> Are you watching, listening to, and reading things that edify your body? How are those things feeding you spiritually?
> The movies and videos you’re watching, the music you’re listening to and things you’re reading, are they helping you grow in your walk with God OR are they taking you away from the things of God?
> Is anything you are watching, listening to, and/or reading opening doors to the power of darkness? Where are those things you’re choosing rooted in?
>Have you ever felt that gut feeling you shouldn’t listen to, watch, or read something but you did it anyways thinking it’s no big deal? What are those things? That gut feeling is the Holy Spirit alerting you to protect you if you choose to listen.
> Is any of this occupying so much time that you’re spending little to not so much spending time with God in reading the Bible, praying, and worshipping?
>Are these other things that consumes your time, thoughts and emotions keeping you from having a desire to want to give time in the Secret Place with God?
Remember this: What you feed will grow.
If you’re choosing to feed your body darkness, then that will grow. If you’re choosing to feed yourself the things of Christ then that will grow. Whichever one you feed the most, will grow the most. It is a vital need to spend time daily with Christ in the secret place in order to refill and refresh you. If you do not allow that time for yourself, then you will be dry and running on an empty gas tank. You’ve got to keep filling yourself daily so that you don’t become spiritually dry and dead.
Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy lurking in the atmosphere is very good at throwing whispers your way. They can look like thoughts in your mind or you may hear a voice. The point is for you to come into agreement with it. Once you take that bait, you run right into the enemy’s plan of distractions. Sometimes it’s distractions after distractions. Satan is AFRAID of you receiving any revelations from Heaven, or any healing, or breakthrough etc.
You have to choose to be intentional to fill yourself daily. Just saying that you believe in Christ is not enough. It’s literally a relationship. You cannot build a relationship if you don’t give it time. The word tells us that we must work out our salvation. This means you have to work to cultivate it and actively pursue spiritual maturity in order to bring it to full effect.
How Food Fuels Physical & Spiritual Health
You know what else matters? It matters what you eat and drink. Literally, whatever you feed yourself will grow in you. If you feed yourself junk too often, then it will impact your health. If you feed yourself the fruits, veggies, grains, etc and other needed things to your body, then you will feel strengthened and have great health. God created human bodies back in the garden first with Adam and then with Eve, while also providing proper nourishment.
No one said don’t eat any junk at all or to not eat your favorite treats. It ok to have your cheat days. Though, this should be only here and there. This should not be a daily thing. Use the wisdom God gave you in this process. Don’t you find it interesting that in this time we live in now, there is excessive chemical & manipulated junk added to our foods? Don’t you think the enemy knows the truths I just shared with you? He is after one thing and that is your destruction in every way that you will agree with.
Did you know that eating well is also a needed spiritual alignment? If you eat healthy (the way your body was designed to eat), you will notice that not only will you feel and function better but you can also hear God better. This is why the enemy has been after the health of many of you by throwing those whispers your way of temptations. Satans agenda on stealing your health is also stealing killing and destroying you from hearing God clearly as well as negatively affects your focus, and pulls you out of alignment spiritually (not just physically). The best example from the Bible about how foods affect us is in the book of Daniel chapter 1.
Guard your Armor!
Do not let the enemy have any foothold at all. Satan is literally afraid of the day you finally grasp your true identity pieces. He doesn’t want you to know who you truly are in Christ and what you are really capable of. Can’t you see that Satan has been working overtime to keep you in a circle of negative tornado of pains, wounds, frustrations etc.? He knows what He is doing to the people of God.
How much more should you know what steps to take intentionally so you can start overcoming these negative cycles of despair and everything else? It’s time to get back up again and take what belongs to you! It starts with your choice to be intentional in praising and thanking God daily, reading the Bible, praying, worshipping.
Gods written word is sharper than a double edged sword and is like a fire and like a hammer that breaks rocks in pieces. The reason why the enemy keeps you from swinging your sword (reading and speaking out the written word) is because it would prevent him from destroying you. Read that last sentence again. So, brush off all the dross of past seasons, get yourself back up and speak scriptures over yourself, your situations and circumstances. It’s time to get back up again and with your daily intentionality you will rise up stronger than ever before!
The enemy may make you feel like a loser but that is the deceptive lie he wants you to believe. You, child of God, are seated in the Heavenly places with Christ! You, child of God, can prosper using your sword! You, child of God, can move forward by HIS might and power! You, Child of God, were made in HIS image to reflect is glory. Satan is afraid of YOU and who you will become when you start spending time in the secret place. He is afraid that you will see yourself how Christ sees you.
It’s time to rip off the mask of fake identity you picked up along the way. It’s time for you to walk in the true identity that you have in Christ. It’s time for you to rise up Bride of Christ and crush the enemy under your feet. The enemy has deceived you for far too long now. Enough is enough!
Ask this:
Now, ask God this, “When Heaven looks at me, what does heaven see?” And “who do you say I am God.” Then write down everything you get back.
I pray you have Gods eyes to see (His perspective), that His understanding is opened to you about who He created you to be, that you receive divine insight that you need right now and for you to be refilled with focus, clarity, and strength by His spirit right now in Jesus name!
I pray for you to have His ability and strength to come to a place that you desire to obey God by taking care of your temple, which is His body in which the Holy Spirit lives in; In Jesus Name. Amen.
“Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you!”
-1 Corinthians 3:16
“12 The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart. 13 There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves.
14 Let us, then, hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we have a great High Priest who has gone into the very presence of God—Jesus, the Son of God. 15 Our High Priest is not one who cannot feel sympathy for our weaknesses. On the contrary, we have a High Priest who was tempted in every way that we are, but did not sin. 16 Let us have confidence, then, and approach God’s throne, where there is grace. There we will receive mercy and find grace to help us just when we need it.”
-Hebrews 4:12-16
One Comment
Dead indited subject material, Really enjoyed looking at.