Encouragement,  General Encouragement

Growing in Character: Aligning with God’s Will for Maturity

Maturing in love & humility while honoring others before yourself must become a part of you.  Maturity in your character aligning with Gods is a true must.  There’s no shortcuts for a reason. 

Be thankful, not frustrated, that He doesn’t give you things or advance you forward if you’re not ready for it.  Perhaps, He is waiting for you.  If the place you’re in or have been in has felt too comfortable, then ask God to show you the choices you’ve made in your flesh over what God said to do.  

You chose your own comfort over what God said and wonder why you’re still stuck where you are.  At the same time it is a blessing because He will not give you anything that you are not able to handle.  Remember that God can see everything that you cannot. You need Him so stay very close to Him; especially in this hour.  

Be open to the spirit of God and how He wants to move in you right now.  Give Him permission to mature your character (behaviors, attitudes, misaligned attributes, perspective, etc.) where He knows you need it.  Ask Him to speak to you about it clearly.   Also, do not be distracted and do not allow distractions get the best of your time.  Do not allow the enemy derail your focus on your time management needed this season.   

Go and incubate in the secret place. This is a time and season to stay very close to Him as He continues to shake things up both in your personal life and in the world.  Do not despise the warfare or get frustrated over it, rather ask God to give you the perspective needed because  the warfare at this time will only increase your anointing as you walk through it.  You need new Heavenly strategies to over come because of you say you’re willing then you’re headed into the next level.   

Just because the warfare seems similar like before, doesn’t mean it is.  It is not the same.  It always seems similar.  At each new season, you must ask God to give you eyes to see and ask which tools are needed to over come.  It’s ok to ask how to use the tools (aka strategies) that He releases to you.  What worked before will not work now because you’re headed into a whole other kind of level; like never before.  

Focus! Focus! Focus! Lay yourself down before the Lords and let Him speak to you.   Be all listening ears without distraction; shut your phone off if you have to in those times.

Do not forsake the secret place at any cost.  

Yeshua is to be your first true love and

nothing should ever take His place.  

Shalom to you the people of the living God. Be blessed beyond anything you can ask, think, or imagine.  Your obedience is far more weighty than you realize.  There is no time to waste.  Take this message and time each day seriously.  


Highlighted Scriptures:

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other,
making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”
-Ephesians 4:2

“Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom”
-Proverbs 11:2

“Because of the privilege and authority[a] God has given me,
I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than
you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves,
measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.[b]
-Romans 12:3

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