Just because God gave you a revelation, doesn’t mean you can go telling everyone. You walk in a secret garden with Christ in a relationship. It is because of a deepened relationship God trusts you with more of His secrets. Ask God what you are suppose to do with what He told you about. Ask God why He spoke it to you or showed you. It may be for a prayer burden or even to be saved for later. This is an area that the Lord has been testing many in these recent seasons. He wants to see if He can trust you with deeper things in His relationship with you.
Yes, it is so exciting that God gives you amazing experiences and such deep revelations of different topics. As with anything, you get so excited that you want to call the person or people in your trusted circle and tell them. Even though it can be people God allowed in your life to share things with, that still doesn’t mean you’re suppose to share it all with them. God has a timing for things. This includes the timing of when that revelation(s) is suppose to be released; if it is suppose to be released. Sometimes, it is just meant to be for you for a reason.
Maturity for a Higher Yield of Fruit
If one is not careful, it is easy to fall into the temptations of the voices of pride. Learn from Paul about what to and not to boast about and why. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul explains the types of experiences He had with God, why He didn’t boast about it, and the strategy God put in place to keep Paul from becoming prideful. Once he realized why he had that thorn in his life, it made him all the more grateful because it glorified God. It’s how you handle it when you get so many revelations and experiences that God allows for you that you must mature and grow in. Also, it’s how you handle and perceive the things that God has allowed and allow(s) in your life that you must mature in.
It’s not always the enemy. That thorn that Paul had was definitely not fun and easy thing to go through. It was hard. This is why he begged God to take it away 3 times. All 3 times God said, “My gracious favor is all you need. My power works best in your weakness.” This answer changed Paul’s perspective. It was right here that his attitude and pity party over his body ailment ended. This change of perspective that happened is something God wants you to have. It’s you who has to be open to His spirit and not stubborn to stay in your pity party. It’s keeping you stuck when it’s time to move forward.
It’s obvious that Paul had an heart that truly cares for what people think of Christ in and through His life. He put Christ first over himself because Christ was His first love. This is how we need to be positioned; in pure humility before Christ. Loving Christ is an action and your actions will speak louder than any words. Your consistent actions are your fruit that others see. What fruit do people see when they look at you? Ask God for His eyes to see and be open to His spirit to receive. This is very important for the sake of His glory in and through you as well as for you. There are not enough words to express how vital it is to mature in character and attitude.
“Dear brothers and sisters,[a] when I was with you I couldn’t talk
to you as I would to spiritual people.[b] I had to talk as though
you belonged to this world or as though you were infants in Christ.
2 I had to feed you with milk, not with solid food, because you
weren’t ready for anything stronger. And you still aren’t ready”
-1 Corinthians 3:1
Matthew 10:16 explains to us what it looks like to be mature amongst others. Take some time and allow the Holy Spirit to unlock the revelations and deeper meanings within this verse. In order to find out deeper what it looks like to be a cautious as snakes and as gentle as a dove, you will need to study it.
“Listen! I am sending you out just like sheep to a pack of wolves.
You must be as cautious as snakes and as gentle as doves.”
-Matthew 10:16
Once again, in this verse above, it directs you towards having a mature character, attitude, and perspective. In order for you to get to where God wants to take you, this maturity is as vital as your heartbeat is to your body. Can you imagine having immature leaders in the military? God is needing pure, focused, committed vessels for this hour to carry out His work on this Earth.
You are of course in this Earth but you are not of it. Do not allow the ways of the world to be your fruits. You are part of the hands and feet of Jesus on this Earth. It’s time to assemble with your tribe soon and it will be by His hand alone. He is getting ready to assemble His troops on this Earth just as birds gather in murmurations.
For birds, gathering as a flock is for safety and they fly together as well as change directions together. They are in one mind and one accord. So it is to be for the assembling of His troops that He is getting ready for. He has been preparing those ones behind the scenes.
Allow God to do what He needs to do in you. It is vital to His preparations of something much bigger than you. It is God sized. Trust the process and God’s amazingly perfect timing. Look how far you have come! You have got this! Keep going for the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven to invade the earth.
God bless you abundantly.