As I sat with with God this morning, He gave me the following scripture:
”My friends, if someone is caught in any kind of wrongdoing,
those of you who are spiritual should set him right;
but you must do it in a gentle way. And keep an eye on
yourselves, so that you will not be tempted, too.”
-Galatians 6:1
After I read the scripture a couple of times, I heard “just like the trees do”. I knew exactly what He was talking about and went to go do some more research on it anyway. You see, if you have a bunch of trees together as in the forest, the part that you cannot see is that their roots intertwine with each other. This helps stabilize the trees in times of strong winds and storms. There is an underground network called the “Wood Wide Web” where the tree roots and fungi intertwine to connect with plants. This allows them to communicate, share resources, and collaborate as an ecosystem. There is more to this but this is all that was highlighted as a visual and understanding for you.
I went back and read the scripture again and thought about it. This way of connection also applies to the Body of Christ. It applies to how the Body of Christ should be. There are many broken interlinks within the Body of Christ. I feel Abba Fathers heart heavy on this. It hurts His heart. Sadly, the enemy has succeeded in creating division within the brethren. The enemy knows well what unity in the Body of Christ will do. How much more should you know that?
There needs to be a strong intertwined web of support throughout the Body of Christ to help stabilize each other in times of strong winds and storms. You, Body of Christ, are one! Christ is not to be divided. The enemy has thrown a web of lies through whispers to your ears and used Leviathan to twist all your thinking by attempting to cause assumptions in order to cause you to agree to the bait of Satan called “offense”. All the enemy wants is for you to agree with any lie repeatedly. If you agree with many lies of Satan, then it’s a big win for him.
You, as a child of God, allow God to do the work He needs to do in you individually so that you can be postured correctly to steward well. For the Body of Christ, to stand in unity in love, it starts with each individual person like yourself allowing God to transform you and set you free from the things that hinder you from being positioned in the Christlike love and humility that you are to flow in. You must remember that if you choose free will over the directions that God gives you, He will not get in the way of that. Each one of you has a part to play in the bigger picture. No matter what your part is that God gave you, it is important. Each of you carries a part to bring Kingdom of Heaven solutions to issues that need to be taken care of. Choose wisely.