Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

Training Through Resistance: Embracing God’s Process for Strength, Endurance, and Obedience

Allow God to teach you through everything going on around you right now. Instead of complaining or getting super frustrated, let God show you a new perspective on all matters.

Can you have strength training without any resistance? No, it’s not possible.  The resistance must be present in order for your muscles to have opportunity to strengthen.  If there is no resistance, there is no strengthening.  Training is everything.

During the time you’re being strengthened, you’re also being given endurance.  Endurance means to bear an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without giving way.  How can you have the opportunity to be strengthened with endurance without resistance?  It’s not possible!  Training is everything.

Stamina is the mental and physical capacity to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity.  Can you have stamina without resistance?  No, you cannot.  You cannot have strength, endurance and stamina without training through resistance.  It’s just not possible.  Training is everything.

You see, there are things in your life that are allowed by God and some things that could be from choices you made.  Either way it gets used for your purpose in the way of training you.  In order to develop strong spiritual muscles, withstand pressure without giving way, and build the physical and mental capacity for anything that comes your way, you must face resistance—it is essential for your training and growth. Stop complaining and start thanking God for all He has done, is doing, and will do in your life. Trust that your Abba Father knows best and sees everything—so choose gratitude over grumbling.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good
of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. “
-Romans 8:28

Discern The Process After Your Yes:
You’ve been praying, seeking God, and asking consistently for God to take you to the next level.  You’ve been telling Him you’re ready when He says you are or that you’re just ready.  Yet, when He has allowed certain situations and circumstances to draw you out of you to expose what you need to lay down or work on you immediately called it warfare.  Be careful what you call warfare.  It’s vital that you ask God to give you discernment.  To have discernment means that you can tell the difference between both good and bad. You need to be able to tell the difference between what is your flesh, God’s voice, and the enemy’s voice.  Do not assume, rather ASK.  Learn to stop, drop and ask God questions.  It’s when you know what’s going on that you will know what you need to do next.  How are you going to  try and handle something when you don’t know which it is?  Apply the wrong strategy and it’s not going to work.  Eventually, it will leave you frustrated.

Changing Your Perspective & Attitude:
It’s about time you change your perspective and attitude about the things that come in your life and about the processes God allows you to walk through.  You are to die to self daily while you read the Bible, pray, worship and linger in the secret place. Ask God to give you the level of divine insight, clarity and discernment to the level He knows you need it to.  This is something to ask in every season of your walk with God in your life.  In each season, you need an increased capacity of those things.  Ask God to give you His perspective in all situations, circumstances, and even in how you see yourself and those you are close to.

Position Yourself for What’s Ahead
Pay attention to the season that you are currently in. Ask God what He is trying to teach you and if there are things you need to lay down this season?  The season you walk in right now is extremely vital for your posture and positioning of what is ahead of you.  Going through the fire of refinement and purging is MUST.  All of the old stuff CANNOT go with you at all into the new.  Think about all your intentions and motives.  Think about what God has asked you to obey vs what part of that you’re not willing to do.   You must be willing to allow God to mature you in every area and be open to how He wants to do it. It’s not possible for the old wine to flow in the new wineskin.

Whenever God gives you any instruction you must carry it out exactly how God said to do it.  Any form of even trying to add your fleshy reasoning and justification is dangerous and not okay.  There’s no permission to add any of your own instructions or your own how to’s to what God told you to do.  You don’t know better than God.  You cannot see what He can.  Fact is fact.  You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, might, and soul.  If you love Him with ALL of you, then the reverent fear of God will be upon you.  This means that you will then honor Him without question because you trust Him and you trust that He knows what He is doing. 

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice!
This goes out as a warning to you that obedience is better than sacrifice.  Watch out and watch closely what you choose and how you choose to do it right now for the days ahead.  Your obedience to His voice is absolutely crucial for your positioning, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Your calling is greater than you and requires a certain level of purity, maturity and obedience to His voice.

Let God do what He needs to in you right now.  There’s no time left for you were made for such a time as this!  Be open to His spirit in how in wants to move in and through you.  He needs you!

Stay close to Christ in the secret place this hour like never before. Be blessed abundantly! You’ve got this!

Let’s learn from this:

17 And Samuel told him, “Although you may think little of yourself, are you not the leader of the tribes of Israel? The Lord has anointed you king of Israel. 18 And the Lord sent you on a mission and told you, ‘Go and completely destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, until they are all dead.’ 19 Why haven’t you obeyed the Lord? Why did you rush for the plunder and do what was evil in the Lord’s sight?”

20 “But I did obey the Lord,” Saul insisted. “I carried out the mission he gave me. I brought back King Agag, but I destroyed everyone else.21 Then my troops brought in the best of the sheep, goats, cattle, and plunder to sacrifice to the Lord your God in Gilgal.”

22 But Samuel replied, 

“What is more pleasing to the Lord:
    your burnt offerings and sacrifices
    or your obedience to his voice?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice,
    and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.
23 Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft,
    and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols.
So because you have rejected the command of the Lord,
    he has rejected you as king.”

-1 Samuel 15:17-23

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