Those who have said yes to God, you have been through quite the process. In these days of transition right now, God has been tying up any loose ends of the old land. The things of the old cannot go into the new; even the way you use to do things in the old wine’s flow will not work in the new wines flow. It feels like you are just lingering while waiting for your promises to come to pass. You will realize and be thankful later when you see that this opportune time was needed to remove anything that would have been a hinderance to your upcoming future.
During the time of your process of transiting out of the wilderness, God has unmasked layers upon layers of masks that cause you to be who you really were not. As He has been doing this, you are coming closer and closer to becoming and walking out who you really are! You had to be trained by His hand alone! You are also ordained by His hand alone! No man could have done what God has done in your life and what He is about to do through your life. Be patient and give yourself grace as God is getting ready to fully unmask you to the full potential of your “true identity” in Christ! It’s time to just be you.
This week I was reminded of how Daniel not only prayed, but thanked God 3 times a day. He was also reliable, was not dishonest, and didn’t do anything wrong. God knew that Daniel was innocent and protected Him in the lions den. God also dealt with those who accused Daniel. (Read Daniel 6)
Regardless of what you are going through, stay positioned in thankfulness, praise, and gratitude. Be encouraged and continue to walk in obedience to God. God is moving on your behalf and will also deal with your accusers. As you heed to His call to simply let go and rest in Him, God is fighting all of your battles for you. He is lining up all the things He promised you. God has not forgotten and you will prosper!
Through the time of your training, processes, and transitions God has been unmasking you while giving you more pieces of your true identity. You are starting to see more of who you really are and will come face to face with the full potentional of it. Once you grasp fully who you really are, that is when you will become unstoppable for the Kingdom Of Heaven and walk in the fullness of the authority you have!
Any moment and suddenly, you will walk in the fullness of your true identity. BE THE REAL YOU!