Encouragement,  General Encouragement

Stay Focused

Children of God, do not allow what is happening in the natural to hinder your focus from where God wants it. He continue‘s to shake the Earth and it should not come as a surprise to you. He is shaking everything at a different level right now and what is unshakable is what is to remain; which are the things of the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though what we are seeing happen in the natural can make us emotional, do not have emotional attachments with it. Yes, one tends to get sad over things, but do not let it rule over your focus. You are to keep your eyes locked on the author and finisher of your faith Jesus Christ—Elohim—I AM—Yahweh. Do not let what you see derail you in any way from what God is doing in you right now.

Even though He is shaking the Earth, He is also working on amazing things for His obedient people. Tap into the NEW JOY that is in the atmosphere from the Heavens. God is working on the final touches, removing the remnants of anything else that could hinder you before He releases you. Some of you may have already been experiencing a consistent trickle of God’s favor. Stay focused, doing what He tells you to, as the path is already laid out before you.

You’ve got this!


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