This is a Word for right now from an encounter with God I had on April 17, 2019:
This morning as I sit in my time with the Lord, He kept bringing in front of me 1 Kings 18:41-46. He highlighted the phrase: “The End of the Drought”. I feel it so strong right now.
Many have felt so weighed down in this time of transition. You are transitioning into the birth of not only your purpose and destiny, but also the birth of your promises from God! It’s almost time! Hang in there because you’re transitioning into it right now! You have felt so dry and everything around you in your life seems so dry but its time to declare what God is saying! Decree and declare: “This is the end of my drought!”
“This is the day the Lord has made.
We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
-Psalm 118:24 (NLT)
I decree and declare and prophesy that this is the end of your drought! I decree, declare and prophesy that 6 times you looked back and you saw nothing, but when you look back the 7th time you will see a cloud the size of a mans hand and it will begin to RAIN!!! That time is NOW! Get ready!”
Elizabeth Wolmarsns
Truly it is Time for Isaiah 35 where deserts will rejoice and Blossom Abundantly and the Sound of Rejoicing will be heard on a New Frequency so that weak hands and knees wiil be strengthened and where Hope was deferred our Souls will be Anchored . The parched ground of Disappointment, Rejection, Depression and all other experiences will be Watered soon…and there will be Streams of Revelation for this Time….I believe there is a Pouring out upon us…a Land as described in Deut 11 vs 11. We will Possess and Occupy a Land where we will have RIvers of Water FLooding our Bellies so that we can Minister from the Overflow to many coming out of Droughts and Desert Experiences
God bless you abundantly! Keep moving forward by His spirit!