Out of this darkness will arise those, from the Body of Christ, that have been made for such a time as this. Each one of them have been prepared well in the darkness and they know who they are. They are part of the end-time warriors that God has chosen and ordained by His hand. It is almost their time and in fact it’s right around the corner.
Their lives have not been an easy one but rather a challenging one. These ones have had to learn how to depend 100% on God alone. Anything they have been through has not been in vain and there will be nothing but fruit from it all. The greater the call and anointing, the more intense the obstacle course for training is.
These ones that God is about to bring forth will be people that no one ever thought would be at the forefront of anything. Yet, it is God Himself who has chosen them by His hand. They have had to face much to be where they are at now and are a chosen group of God’s Army that will not compromise God’s ways and His word at any cost. They walk with the fear of the Lord upon them and are true obedient vessels of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Be Encouraged Mighty Warriors:
You may have felt like darkness has surrounded you for so long, but the truth is that you were a seed planted in the soil by God Himself. During the time of being underground, you were being consistently watered, nurtured, and cared for. The consistency of this process caused your delicate roots to sprout. This process has continued for such a long period of time that it has caused you to become weary from the journey and anxious in the waiting of when anything will change.
The truth is that during this time of what seemed like a heavy darkness, and even long periods of loneliness, your roots were being given both protection and time to properly grow. The roots needed to be fully strong and anchored to be able to hold the weight of the tree and its fruits that are about to spring forth. You will be like oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord, for His glory to be displayed (Isaiah 61:3)! Be encouraged because your journey, including all the sacrifices you have made to be obedient to God, has been worth it!
Many times with certain situations it looked like a delay, but this delay was intentional, as it was for your protection. It wasn’t a delay at all, in fact this was the proper time being given to ensure that the roots were securely formed, rooted, and anchored. This stretch of time has ensured that you will be able to steward and carry well what is about to come forth. This recent stretch of time has been allowed to give you the time you need to be sure you are properly aligned with God’s will, desires, and His Word. You were being given the time to be properly positioned to receive as well as be released. Be encouraged because what looked like a delay has been your protection and a blessing. Time has been working for you by God’s hand.
Be encouraged mighty warrior! God is surely with you! (Judges 6:12)
Don’t fruit trees start to grow and flourish in its perfect season and timing automatically? As with any fruit tree, when proper care and pruning is given, at the right timings, then the fruits are bountiful. From the time a grape vine is planted, it can take 1-2 years at minimum for the roots to be strong enough to be able to fruit and to hold up the grape clusters. In fact, from my experience, it is advised not to let the grape clusters fruit until the plant is well rooted and vines are strong enough.
So it is the same with your life. You must go through seasons upon seasons of pruning and purging so that you too have strong roots and branches to be able to hold the fruits about to come forth. As it is written even in The Word, even the branches that bear fruit must be pruned so that it is more fruitful (John 15:2). How is it any different in your life? Be patient with yourself in the process and give yourself grace through it all.
Remember that you serve a God who shows up right on time! His ways and thoughts are higher than yours (Isaiah 55:8-9). God does things in ways that you cannot comprehend. He can see things that you cannot see. Your natural mind wants to make sense of everything first, though as believer in Christ you are to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). It is good for you to know that you don’t have to understand every detail. You can trust God because He has the perfect blueprint with all the intricate details being worked out as you continue to obey His every direction.
You have been chosen and ordained by Gods hand. Nothing and no one will be able to stop you from flourishing in your perfect season and timing. So, with that said, keep going because this is NOT the time for you to give up! You’ve got this!
“God I ask for your hand of grace, mercy, favor and protection upon the ones you have chosen by your hand to release this hour. I ask that you give them a release of your joy, for the joy of the Lord shall be their strength. God I ask that you release the clarity, divine insight, your wisdom, and discernment to the level that you know they each need it. Speak to each of them clearly in the way you know they will understand you. I release your peace, that passes all understanding, over them now and the strength to “be still” before you during this time. All the praise, honor, and glory be unto you. In Jesus name, Amen.”
This word is very encouraging!! Thank you for sharing!
You’re welcome! All the praise, honor, and glory unto our living God alone. God bless you abundantly!
Thank you! I so NEEDED this.
Jeanette Maldonado
I want to thank you for this prophetic word that spoke directly to me on what I have endured and feel at this time in my training. It was not only encouraging but spot on. Even to the picture of the small plant was a confirmation and including the Don’t give up which just made me burst into tears. Thank you for your obedience to share this word. I am forever grateful. I pray a blessing over you as you have blessed me with this word.
You’re welcome! I am glad that God used it to speak to you. All the praise, honor, and glory be unto our living God alone! God bless you abundantly!! Be encouraged and move forward not by your own might and power but rather by His spirit (Zechariah 4:6)! Isaiah 55:8-9. Hand over everything into His control, lock your eyes on Him the author and finisher of your faith, and trust Him! God bless you abundantly!