Encouragement,  General Encouragement

Opportunity for Alignment in Your First Ministry

First thing is first… YOUR HOME IS YOUR FIRST MINISTRY.  This area is the most challenging area.  Though it is very important for your home to be in God’s order.  It is vital that you are in alignment with the frequency of God’s heart on all matters involved and not trying to push in your own agenda as well as not coming into agreement with what is contrary to God (the enemy’s tactics and whispers).

For some of you, the enemy has really come in with a tactic of sabotage to your marriage and family.  Darkness has been playing so many mind games with you.  Satan has been trying to cause strife and division over things that don’t really matter.  The enemy has made things “look like” a bigger deal then they are.  Darkness has been messing with your focus.  For some of you, it is to the point that the devil has been whispering ideas of divorce.  This has been happening over time through overreaction and twisting of the meanings of what one is saying to the other.  The devil has been wanting you to do the contrary to what you were sent to do in that relationship and family.  

You were called to be an example of what it looks like to walk out what is written in His word and to also encourage, lift them up, bring out the best in them and intercede on their behalf in prayer.  Instead, you somehow got caught up in all the lies of the enemy (about yourself, your spouse & family) and got used as a weapon to do the contrary. 

You are in your spouses life because God loves them.  You were sent to help them find and/or return to their first true love, CHRIST.  Without you, your spouse and family’s are sheep without a Shepard so to speak.  So, recognize who the enemy really is.  It is not your spouse.  It is time to recognize it and take authority over all the tactics of the enemy against yourself, your marriage and household.  It’s time to kick the devil out! You have authority over your marriage, family, and home. After all, the dunamis power that rose Yeshua from the dead lives in YOU!

Lead by example and lay down all control and manipulation.  It is not you that is to change them or their heart.  That is God’s role.  Do not play God but rather be in obedience with how His word says to handle it.  The way you live your life will speak more words and have more meaning than anything you have spoken.  Invite the Holy Spirit into your process and situation.  You can do this!  Read Ephesians 5:21-33 & 1 Peter 3:1-7

Lastly, get the help that you need to process pains, wounds, and any trauma.  It is ok to get help and reach out for prayer.  Don’t hesitate to connect with the people that God has specifically put in your life.  He did that for a reason.  Take the help that He is giving you.  You ask for help, then you push it away and wonder why God doesn’t respond to you. 

See through His lens and perceive through His understanding.  His understanding is beyond the capacity of your human mind. Be open minded to HOW God wants to help you. This is all needed as part of healing and freedom as it will shut off all access points that were opened through agreements made.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. 
My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”
– John 10:10

As always I remind: Choose wisely in each situation and circumstance.  See them as opportunities to apply the Word of God each time.  Remember, yes God is faithful to complete all He has spoken to you.  Also know that there are consequences to your actions too.  You will reap what you sow.  Sow wisely.



“God I pray that you would place your lenses on this child of Gods eyes.  I ask that you show how you see their spouse, children and family.  Sovereign God, I ask that you show this child of God how you see them and all of their situations and circumstances.  God show them what Heaven sees and tell them what Heaven says about all of this.  I ask that you give this child of God an increase of your wisdom and discernment to the level that you know they need it.  Give this child of God your strength to not only bear what you show them but also to help them through.  I ask you to release divine strategies that can be applied in their life.  I release your Holy Angels to go forth and help this child of God bring your order and alignment in their life and their home.  Holy Spirit remind this child of God everything that they need to remember.  Thank you God for everything you have done, are doing and will be doing in the life of the person reading and in their home as well as their family.  Everything I have asked, I asked in the name of Jesus and believe it it’s fully received, sealed, and done.  Amen!”

One Comment

  • Sonya

    Loved this word. Very timely! Thank you and bless you.
    All Glory to our great God who sees and knows all things ♥️

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