For this season and through the New Year these are the scriptures the Holy Spirit has been putting in my heart.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else,
and live righteously, and he will
give you everything you need.”
-Matthew 6:33 (NLT)
“You want what you don’t have, so you scheme
and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others
have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage
war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have
what you want because you don’t ask God for it.
3 And even when you ask, you don’t get it
because your motives are all wrong
—you want only what will give you pleasure.”
-James 4:2-3 (NLT)
This really is a time to seek God. Somehow with all the busy-ness in life, through our actions, we tend to say “if I have any time left then I can pray and spend time with You God.” Take a look at your life and reprioritize. Genuinely, repent where repentance is needed (for thoughts, speech, and actions that He does not approve of), ask God for His forgiveness and move forward. I say it all the time and will say it again, “do NOT forsake the secret place!” Lingering in “The Secret Place” is a major key right now.
Ask God to show you clearly what His will is for you and then ask Him to confirm it. After He confirms it, pray and stand in agreement with it. Pray for the things that are in His will and from the blueprint that is already laid out for you. Ask, ask, ask! It is the time to ASK!
It’s time to flip and switch your priorities. God is first! Seek first the Kingdom of God. If God is not first in your life, then your life is already out of order. This is a season where God wants to bring re-alignment in you and your families. Revival and change begin with YOU! Be the change you want to see around you.
You cannot change the people, BUT you can change the atmosphere around them! You can do this through prayer, taking time to worship Jesus, and by loving those around you. Throw kindness and love around like it’s unlimited! LOVE is the way! You do your part God will do the rest! Love them and trust Him.
Trust Him and embrace the process that God has in you! God is moving and shifting even though you may not see it just yet! Thanking Him and praising Him is the way to get through!
I pray that the Glory of God will shine not only upon you and through you but in your families also, in Jess name! Get ready! The shift is here!
Finished typing this message exactly at 1:11pm and heard Deuteronomy 1:11 which says:
“And may the Lord, the God of your ancestors,
multiply you a thousand times more and
bless you as he promised!”
God bless you all abundantly and a very Merry Christmas. He is about to surprise YOU!
All the praise, honor, and glory be alone unto our living God! Thank you Jesus!