To those who are chosen and set apart for a time such as this:
It is your obedience to God and your love for Him that brought you this far. Look and see how far you have come by just taking one step at a time by simply obeying God. It has been one intense obstacle course for you but there was a reason for it all. The level of your Heaven mandated assignment and anointing is so high that it required a more intense obstacle course than those around you. For this reason, you felt all alone for the longest time. It has been so difficult and yet you HAVE succeeded! You have reached this prophetic time that you were made for!
Your obedience is key this hour more than ever before. Be encouraged mighty warriors, you pure ones! This is it! This is your time! The oil that has been produced through everything you have endured thus far has now been purified! This oil that is now going to pour out of you and you yourself are so valuable! If you did not have value, the enemy would not have come against you so hard. He came against you so hard because you carry something of high value! At the same time, the Lord used the attempts of the enemy to only make you stronger. Look and see where you started and where you are now.
Gods word says that the gateway to life is “very narrow” and the road is “difficult” and only a few ever find it. You, the chosen of this hour, YOU FOUND IT! You know who you are! You did it! You made it!
So be encouraged as this is not the time to give up now! You lifted up the staff and the waters parted, you crossed through and now you are on the other side! It is time to lift the staff again and as you do the waters will close, and as it closes all your enemies will drown! God has been moving swiftly on your behalf. Never did God almighty ever leave you or forsake you! He stayed alongside of you the whole time.
You had to go through the fire. Even though you thought and sought for God to put the fire out, instead there was a 4th man in the fire. It was never about putting the fire out but rather who was with you in that fire. That fire is what formed, shaped, strengthened, and prepared you for your purpose and who you have become. That fire also hardened you to make you the diamond that you are. Sure you had to let go of some people and for some of you, that was very painful indeed. Yet, He removed them because they were hindering you from where God wants you to go. Not everyone around you gets to go where you are going.
Now, you are ready! The preparation and groundwork is done as you have been rebuilding the walls with the new Kingdom Agenda which is for this hour. Just as an eagle sits taut on a high tree branch waiting to let go only when the right wind comes, so you have reached a new height from the journey that you have endured thus far. When the right wind comes, the eagle just lets go and trusts the wind to allow it to soar in the direction it needs to be in. So it is with you! The right wind is now here! It’s time to let go my children. Let go and you will soar!
It is time for you to harvest the fruits of your labor! All of your labor has not been in vain! You are like the tree that is planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its due season (Psalm 1:3). So, IT’S YOUR SEASON!
It is here now! Stay in the secret place and linger in my presence. Stay close to me, more than ever before! Call out to me and I shall answer and share with you the deep revelations of things you know not yet (Jeremiah 3:33). Ask me again! I am faithful and will do as I have promised! Get ready for I am about to bless you beyond anything that you can ever ask, think. or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
The windows of Heaven are open and what I am about to pour out your two hands will not be able to carry (Malachi 3:10). You are going to now watch and see that the blueprints of your destiny WILL unfold and come to pass.
13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate.
The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many
who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow
and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
-Matthew 7:13-14 (NLT)
All the praise, honor, and glory be unto our God alone!