Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

Guard Your Pearls! Do Not Cast Them To The Pigs!

On the week of March 14, 2019, off and on Gods been speaking to me about this topic.   At that time, after Holy Spirit connected all the pieces from the week together, I got hit with such a sudden urgency in the spirit with this message.  Then again yesterday, August 28, 2019, and today, God is speaking to me about it once again.  I patiently waited for His timing of release to get this to you.

“Don’t waste what is Holy on people who are unholy.
Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample
the pearls, then turn and attack you.

-Matthew 7:6 (NLT)

Be on guard and don’t cast your pearls to the pigs!  It is crucial that you be careful who you share your details with!  You are called to minister to those who respond to you.  If you had a couple handfuls of pearls in your hands right now, are you going to just toss it to anyone and everyone you see?  You would not.  Rather, you would have an intense process in your mind as to who should I give these valuable pearls to.  The wisdom you have will kick in.  So, how is it any different than the works that you are called to?

Your pearls are anything that has to do with the birthing calling, dreams, visions, and God’s blueprints/plans for your callings.   These are all very important and you must protect them!  God trusts you with what He gave you.  You are an ambassador of Heaven!  In other words, you are an accredited diplomat sent by the Kingdom of Heaven, as it’s official representative, to a foreign land.  As a diplomat you are officially representing the Kingdom of Heaven and have the ability to deal with people in a sensitive yet effective way.  You are a peacemaker and a reconciler.  You have this ability through the power of the Holy Spirit and through demonstrating the love of Christ to all those around you.

Many times you are just so excited and out of that excitement, you simply want to run and tell the world everything God spoke to you.  It is true that the excitement is so great that you feel that you cannot contain it within yourself.  Although, you can’t just go around and share it with every single person you run across.  According to Galations 5:22-23, patience and self-control are fruits of the spirit.  He teaches you to “be still in His presence and wait for Him to act.” (Psalm 37:7)  To “be still” means to trust Him.  God teaches you to act in wisdom and that if we need His wisdom to just ask Him in full faith (James 1:5-8).

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
    Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.”
-Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)

Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit to speak to you and reveal to you who you can share what with.  It’s ok to pray and ask God to give you His control and to keep you within the boundaries of what you are called to and how. This is important so that you don’t announce the delivery and details of birthing before it’s time.  His timing is so crucial!  Obedience and full humility before God is a must!

God trusts you and you MUST protect what He gives you. 
You must protect the baby that is about to be birthed!
You must protect His promise to you!

You know those nudges you get of yes and no from the Holy Spirit?  Do NOT under any circumstance ignore it when you KNOW you felt that nudge.  It is for your protection!   Also, to prevent you from announcing the delivery before its time.  It’s because God sees the very thing you cannot see!   Imagine you are in a life-size maze and trying to find your way to the end.  So, when you are about to hit a dead end, you feel that nudge from the Holy Spirit telling you not to go that way.  He tells you to protect you and to prevent you from hitting a wall.  It’s a protection to keep you from hitting the dead end.

Trust God and trust His timing!  Allow all the intricate details of HIS blueprint, including timing for everything, to flow the way He already has it planned.  Yes!  It was already planned and don’t let anything derail you or your footing from it!

Don’t present your valuables to people who are not affiliations that God said you can release to. You never know they may get jealous and in that jealousy, they may turn around and attack you instead.  Some of them may not even realize they are jealous but end up doing or saying things that may hurt you.  Don’t cast those pearls to the pigs!

Protect the birth, location of the birth, and details of the birth at hand!  Protect the baby!

Before the woman even makes it into the delivery room, there is a natural process that starts up.  This process naturally just kicks in approximately in the middle of the trimester (could be sooner or later).  She starts to think about who she will want around during the delivery time.   When a woman is in the delivery room, only select people she really trusts will be in that room with you and no one else.  It’s because this event is very private and personal.  Even throughout the pregancy, she may be careful who she shares with and when.

At the start of pregnancy, no one may notice she is pregnant, and she may not even notice it at first.  Then there comes a time when she realizes it.  Later, it becomes obvious so people can see she is pregnant.  The people who see she is pregnant are in awe and start to wonder about the details of the pregnancy.  Only she knows and whom she chooses to tell will know.  She may share only basic and surface information with the general public BUT she will only share her deep personal details with those that are close to her and that she fully trusts to support and comfort her.  That will not be very many people at all.

The delivery time is when there is the least amount of people around you. That’s when you want your privacy for comfort, ease and protection.

  • So it is in this hour right now!
  • Be careful who you associate with.
  • Don’t let your excitement of this birth cause you to be careless suddenly.
  • You must still be alert and you must protect the baby even more so at the time of delivery!
  • Be on guard! Here it comes!  The final touches of preparation for delivery is happening and the time of birthing is at hand!  This is truly the time we automatically make sure everything is in perfect order for baby to come home and for baby and yourself at delivery.
  • Once everything is prepared its off to the delivery room you go!
  • Get ready and be on guard to protect the promise God is giving you! Its time to birth your very purpose and destiny!

It’s time to receive the promises of God in abundance because you are now crossing over into your promised land!

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