Encouragement,  General Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

You’re Making Room for Him

To those who have said yes to God, as well as you pioneers, reformers, the remnant of God’s Army, the end-time warriors, and the end time women’s army, I want to encourage you. Be encouraged in these times right now. It has been intense but you are being prepared to be properly positioned to receive and to steward well what is about to head your way. Hang in there and don’t let go!

Divine Pause for a Greater Cause:
Ever since the shaking across the Earth began in 2020, it hasn’t been easy and it took you a moment to realize what was going on. Through this shaking, everything that is shakable is shaking. It is only what is unshakable that will remain. The shakable things are the things of this world and are contrary to the things of God. The unshakable things are of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This shaking is a “divine pause for a greater cause”. The shaking has been an OPPORTUNITY for you to let go of everything contrary to God and of everything that was on your old land. This divine pause across the Earth is a blessing for you, the people of God. It has been and is an opportune time for purification, purging and divine reset both personally and corporately.

28 Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable,
let us be thankful and please God by worshiping Him with
Holy fear and awe.29 For our God is a devouring fire.”
-Hebrews 12:28-29

End of the Old & Start of the New:
It is in this time that the things of the old land are now coming to a close. The old things have no permission to go into the new just as the new wine cannot go into the old wineskin. The old wineskin and old wine is over. You are being prepared for the new wine to flow through you but it can only flow through the new wineskin. Anything of the old wine and old wineskin will not work at all in the days ahead. These upcoming days and times will need new strategies and new solutions that can only come from the throne room of God through His people; who are positioned in purity and humility before God who have been prepared in the place of intimacy.

During the time of this shaking, situations and circumstances have been allowed as an exposure to you for any access points that the enemy has been using to get to you. They are being used to draw the impurities out of you in ALL areas of your life. These situations and circumstances are being used to expose where healing is needed. For example: the way you use to do things, the way you use to handle situations and circumstances, the way you use to think, the way that you thought things should be done, your character, your attitude, your attributes, relationships, agreements with things contrary to God unknowingly, your desires vs His desires, what is good vs what is God, your control over things vs letting Him, etc.

God hasn’t been allowing His shining light to hurt you but rather to heal, help and advance you. This is the process of healing, deliverance and freedom that you have been waiting for. He has been answering your prayers, though in a way you did not expect.

“My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord.
    “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.
For just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so my ways are higher than your ways
    and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
-Isaiah 55:8-9

Let Go and Let Him In:
Remember that that more you let go, the more you are making room for the new that God wants to fill you with.  You have all been in testing times through the fire for purification through pruning and purging.  It hasn’t been easy, though it’s vital that you identify what God is wanting to do in your life in this season right now. Identifying is the first step.  

Through the process, He has exposed every way that was unrighteous so that you can be set free for His glory.  The question is: do you see it? It is important that you first identify what God is doing in order to be able to effectively respond to God. So, ask God to show you through His lens what He is wanting to do in you and in your life right now. You must respond and not react. There is a difference. Reacting is negative.

Pay attention to those trigger points as those are a clear highlight of areas that need to be worked on. If you are being triggered by situations, circumstances and even in conversations with people (no matter who they are), then it’s time to ask the Holy Spirit to ask why you are triggered and ask God to show you through His lens. Get to the root and deal with it. God’s flashlight is shining on problem areas with the intention to free you.

My prayer for you is: God I ask you to show this son/daughter the access point to all triggers and the strength to bear what you show him/her. I ask you to give him/her your strength to overcome and breakthrough and lay down what you ask of this child of God reading right now, in Jesus name.

“But forget all that—
    it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.
19 For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
-Isaiah 43:18-19

Be Intentional:
He is looking for those with pure hearts, pure intentions, pure motives that are aligned purely with the desires of the Fathers Heart and with the frequency of His true love.  This can only be achieved through the secret place of intimacy with God. It is in that place that you get to know who God is even more, who you are in Him more (your true identity), and a place where He unlocks His mysteries to you deeper.

So, be intentional about it and don’t allow any distractions to hinder you. Be intentional with your time. There is no time to waste time. This time is an opportunity and and opportune time to prepare well. During the time of this shaking, God is recalibrating you in every way and realigning you and your heart to His pure frequency.

Be Encouraged
It is almost time for you to rise up and advance. It is almost time for you to act on your faith and as you do remember that you are gaining territory each time you do. I know what He is asking you to do is new, different, and even uncomfortable, but know that God is with you mighty warriors! You were made for and born for such a time as this! (Read Joshua 1:1-9)

I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot,
you will be on land I have given you— ”
– Joshua 1:3


  • Linda Cusimano

    The day before this post (It’s the End of the Old”) posted on Elijah List my conversation with the Lord was that the Lord would cause my heart to vibrate at the frequency of His love; that He would remove everything that was in the way of that becoming reality. When your message posted I printed a copy of it and have been meditating on the truths the Lord had spoken through you. The fact that you used the phrase “frequency of His true love” let me know that the Holy Spirit had sent this message for me (for others, too, but I knew I was included). The entire message sooooo resonated with where I have been and what the Lord has been speaking to me now. Thank you for your faithfulness in ministering His message.
    Linda Cusimano

    • Sanjna Mahtab

      I apologize for the late reply, but I am glad God spoke to you through. My prayer is that the words He speaks reaches those whom it’s for. God bless you abundantly! Keep running the race with perseverance!

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