Prophetic Words & Visions

The time is NOW!

April 8, 2016 @ 8:28am

Body of Christ… I am telling you there is something different in the atmosphere… we need to slow down from our so-called “busy” life and LISTEN to Gods voice from the atmosphere. Be OPEN MINDED and AVAILABLE to God. In this hour…. we will be the encounter with God for many people we come across…on the streets, in the store, at the gas station….keep your eyes and ears open…be extremely sensitive to the spirit of God… We will be used by God alot more in this season in creative ways. To those who say “YES” to Gods invitation to be open and available for HIM to use and show His glory and love, He will waste no time and provide many opportunities to pray for people, encourage people, etc… NOW is the time body of Christ.

GOD comes FIRST…our schedule and daily tasks come later. Our wonderful living and sovereign God HAS to be utmost PRIORITY!!! Then the rest of things will automatically flow…. Learn to stand on the prophetic declarations that are in the Bible for you since BEFORE you came to Christ… for if you understand what those are… you would really be in constant peace and rest that God gives us. Remember, the same power that conquered the grave and rose Christ from the grave LIVES IN YOU.

FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS and do not drown in the water from disbelief/lack of faith. Our God is same yesterday, today, and forever! Great I AM, Prince of Peace, Yahweh, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi I give you ALL the glory for you are worthy worthy worthy to be praised!

NOW is the season that we will be in much DEEPER waters with Him. NOW is the season that we are entering a much deeper level of intimacy with HIM.

Prophetic Declarations:

John 20:31
Matthew 26:56
Isaiah 53:1-5
Isaiah 46:10

Here are some notes from a recent sermon through P. Michael Crenstil that Holy Spirit wants me to share. Holy Spirit minister to all who read the following and they will understand it the way it was intended to be by God, Amen:

1. He carried your sorrow, As you come into Him He WILL carry your sorrow.

2. There is a prophetic declaration in Isaiah 53:1-5. We just pray and use verse 5 but don’t know what it really means.

3. He carried your grief and sorrows so WHY are you grieving? You should NOT be.

4. God afflicted Jesus Christ so you do NOT have to be afflicted.

5. what the church doesn’t tell us is that there was a prophetic declaration over you before you walked in… they didn’t tell you, thats why you still walking in all that stuff.

6. Ephesians 1:1-6 (Paul) Before you walked in you were destined- there IS a prophetic declarationLuk

7. God has called us to walk in this declaration.

8. we turn God into a religion.

9. Read Luke 6:16-21

11. Read Luke 24:25-26

12. We have forgotten that Jesus suffered so we do not have to. He had to suffer so you can receive your healing.

13. We have been playing games with God!

14. Read Acts 10:38-40

15. We have to WALK IT!

16. Read Mark 16:15

17. BEFORE you were here, it says “GO” over 2000 years ago.

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