Since 6:45am this morning, all I could hear over and over burning in my spirit is this: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) It is currently 8:20am and it is just burning in the spirit with such an urgency! This scripture (and any scripture) is not meant for you to just read and feel good. Gods Word is actually alive! It does something to you! “For the word of God is alive and powerful.…
What do you look like in the lions den?
This morning as I sat to read the Bible with my youngest son, the story of Daniel in the Lions Den was so strong through the spirit of God. I believe and can sense that many in the body of Christ are so pressed on all sides by a combination of their situations, circumstances, as well as the pressure of the dark world of Satan. Let’s be honest here, the fiery darts lately have been more intense than usual. I am included in all this. Let take a look at the story of Daniel in the Lions Den, which is found in Daniel chapter 6 in the Bible. We…
Take the baton and RUN!
It is 8:31pm and just a few minutes ago God started speaking to me. He told me that there are many who know what they need to do. “They know what they need to do but they are afraid to take that step. They need to trust me. They need to let go and let me. They need to realize that I their daddy God, abba Father has their best interest at heart. The plans to fulfill that step are already in place. They say they know me, trust me, and love me. Then why the hesitation. Take what I have given you and run! Run with it! I…
What Is a Devouring Fire?
Wednesday, June 1, 2016 prayer meeting: God is on a mighty move this month! The presence of God in this particular prayer meeting was extremely intense. We were hit with God’s “devouring” fire! I had also experienced this during Sundays church service, on May 29. One of the definitions of “DEVOUR” is: To Consume destructively. The synonyms to “devour” are: consume, engulf, envelop, destroy, demolish, etc. Sounds a bit intense right? When God sends His devouring fire, it WILL most definitely consume, destroy, demolish ALL things that are not of God. As long as you chose to surrender it and allow God to do it. As always, I anointed each…
How do I live the new life?
For the past 2 weeks, the Holy Spirit has brought up Colossians 3. This is a general word for the entire body of Christ. I have nothing to add to it. Allow the Holy Spirit to download what He needs to as you read it. This Word blessed me mightily this week and it will bless you too! Prayer: “As you read this Word from the Lord, I pray that your mind and heart will be open to receive supernatural understanding. I command every thought in your mind to come captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)! I pray that a supernatural strength from God, to overcome and…
Feel like giving up?
Few years of intercession, encouragement, commitment to Gods will and consistent Godly fellowship has brought MANY breakthroughs this year in the “family’s” of a few of the women who were consistently attending. These women of God have stood in the gap for their family’s and then the rest of us have stood in agreement with them through prayer. We have been calling into existence the very will of God and prophetic declarations (according to the Bible) over these women and families. It is a very powerful thing NOT TO EVER GIVE UP and keep hanging on to the promises of God. Hang on to the hope you profess! “Faith shows the reality…
Warfare off the charts this week?
We hit sudden warfare this week. It is because Satan is afraid of what is about to happen!! I was so fed up with the warfare last night. So when I sat to pray, I just took authority and prayed to break off the Spirit of Jezebel and Witchcraft (as led by Holy Spirit) not only over me and my household but For the people of God. It felt so much better after that! Don’t let Satan fool you by messing with your mind or even making you so sleepy that you can’t pray or even attacks on sickness etc. No, stand up with the authority of Christ you have…
Enlarge the Place of my tent?
The chosen and strategically placed people of God are in a season right now where their trust in God is crucial! Have you been asking God to open doors for you in specific areas of your life? Have you been telling God that you want to be used by Him? Did you tell Him that you are open and available for Him to use? If you said yes to any or all of those, chances are that in this season (right now), God is bringing forth ideas (along with the passion for it) before you right now. They are things that you would not have thought you would ever do!…
The time is NOW!
April 8, 2016 @ 8:28am Body of Christ… I am telling you there is something different in the atmosphere… we need to slow down from our so-called “busy” life and LISTEN to Gods voice from the atmosphere. Be OPEN MINDED and AVAILABLE to God. In this hour…. we will be the encounter with God for many people we come across…on the streets, in the store, at the gas station….keep your eyes and ears open…be extremely sensitive to the spirit of God… We will be used by God alot more in this season in creative ways. To those who say “YES” to Gods invitation to be open and available for HIM…
Are ALL things really possible with God?
February 22, 2016: Literally, No matter what you are going through…. Hebrews 12:3 “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” And remember that “literally” ALL things are possible with God! Keep hanging on to the hope you profess! Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Hebrews:11:1-3 “1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the…