Encouragement,  General Encouragement,  Prophetic Words & Visions

Believe in the Promises of God–Do you have faith or fear?

Do you truly believe in the promises God has given you in Psalm 91 and throughout His written word? There is a difference in just saying it out loud and actually believing it.

Is it Faith or Fear?

Is it faith in God or worldly fear that first rises up whenever the waves around you suddenly rise up high? If you feel scared, full of fret and full of anxiety, then take the time to sit before God to allow Him to work in you.  It is important that you slow down for a moment so that you can be set free of the worldly fear that has kept you bound and exchange it for an increase of the fear of God to come upon you instead.

“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.
    Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.”
-Proverbs 9:10 (NLT)


As a child of God, you should be able to have peace in the midst of any storm. You need to get your eyes off of the waves, no matter how high they suddenly get, and keep your eyes focused and locked on Your God Most High—Elohim—I AM—YHWH.  Your peace is found in Him alone! Your protection is found in Him alone! You say that you take refuge under the shadow of His wings, but do you really believe it? If you believe it, then why are you afraid?  If you believe it, then why is it that panic starts to flood your entire being whenever an unexpected situation or circumstance arises?

When your emotions start fluctuating in worry, anxiety, panic, etc., it starts taking over your mind the very moment you come into agreement with fear. Then you start acting on the worldly fear and start doing many things in the physical until you feel satisfied.  Even still, that feeling continues to roam deep inside of you continuously.  It’s constant, non-stop fear.  For some of you, it is so bad that you become restless in the physical and in the spirit.  This is not at all ideal for your physical health.  This causes stress to your body and that is not what God wants for you.


25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you
have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food,
and your body more than clothing?
 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or
harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them.
And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?
Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”
-Matthew 6:25-27 (NLT)


A Positive Turn Around

Well, what if you switched that around? Here is what I mean by that. Let’s look at some facts that you generally speak out, think about, and know:

  • You know that there is a Heavenly Father watching out for you.
  • You know that Jesus died for your sins and rose again to conquer all powers of darkness.
  • You know there is power in the living blood of Jesus Christ.
  • You know that God is the one that can protect you (and your family/home).
  • You know that He is all that you need and He is the one you think about when something happens.

Then, let me ask you this if you truly believe it, then wouldn’t there
be a world of difference if you start acting boldly on that faith instead?  

I am not saying do not use wisdom. By all means use wisdom and be prepared for the things that can come your way in life. Though, it needs to be from the position of faith in God. You serve a God who can make manna rain from the Heavens. You serve a God who makes possible the impossible. This can happen just by the mention of His name.

Doubt can hinder faith greatly. Honestly, you have to choose one or the other. By having both faith and fear, is like playing tug-o-war all the time. It’s no wonder many of you have a hard time moving forward–one step forward and three steps back. Let go of worldly fear and move forward in faith in God. You serve a miracle-working God who can shift and change any situation and circumstances faster than the blink of an eye!

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.
He will not rebuke you for asking.
 But when you ask him, be sure that your
faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as
unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind.
people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Their loyalty is divided between God and the world,
and they are unstable in everything they do.”
-James 1:5-8 (NLT)

Be confident and know who your God is! Be confident in the knowledge of who you are and to whom you belong! God loves you and all those whom you love. The fear of the world is a hole in your armor. It’s time to let it go and let God patch up that hole. Enough is enough of what you have had to go through!  It’s time to break through and walk out your promised land.

Though God also gives us free will. So, YOU have a choice to make…

is it faith in God or worldly fear?

Remember that your yes is to be yes, and your no is to be no.  You are either to be hot or to be cold.  If you are lukewarm He will spew you out of His mouth.  It is either your way or His way.  There is nothing in between!

I challenge you to slow down in the secret place with God so you can reflect on your thoughts and actions in all areas of your life.   Ask yourself: “Do I actually believe these things that I say I know about God and His written promises?”  Talk with the Holy Spirit through this process and not to yourself.  The reason why I say this is to let you know not to allow your own mindsets to get in the way.  God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).

Steps on “How to Let Go of Fear”

If you choose to let go of worldly fear:

  1. Break agreements you have made with fear, known unknown intentional and unintentional all in Jesus’ name.
  2. Ask for forgiveness for coming into agreement with fear and forgive yourself.
  3. Then invite God into that place so He can heal and fill it with Him.
  4. Then ask for it to be exchanged for an increase of the fear of God upon you instead.
  5. Spend time praising and thanking God for everything He has done, is doing, and will be doing in your life.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity,
but of power, love, and self-discipline.”

-2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

What is God doing right now?

It’s time to let go of all old mindsets and receive, as well as walk in, the Kingdom of Heaven mindsets.  You must let go of all the old in order to go forth into the new.  What I mean by letting go of the old is: let go of all old mindsets, thoughts, characters, attributes, etc. that do not line up with God’s mindsets, thoughts, character, attributes, etc.  You have to let go of how you are used to doing things and openly be able to accept the way God wants to do all things in your life and through your life this hour and beyond.

So God created human beings in his own image.
    In the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.”
-Genesis 1:27 (NLT)

For just as new wine cannot go into an old wine sack, so it is with your life also.  The new wine has run out and this is why you have felt dry.  Will you let go of the old in order to flow in the new wine which is in a new wine sack?  Move forward cautiously in each step using His wisdom.  The more you “yield” now, the more you will yield in abundance of harvest in the upcoming seasons.

God bless you abundantly!  All the praise, honor, and glory be unto our living God alone!



I ask for the wisdom of God and increased spiritual discernment to be released upon you  NOW, In Jesus’ name!
I decree and declare that this is a season of deliverance, freedom, and victory in your life and home NOW, In Jesus’ name!
I release an increase of the grace and mercy of God for your process of purification NOW, in Jesus’ name!
I release the shalom of God to fill your spirit and your very being now in Jesus’ name, amen!!!


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