About Life Coaching with Sanjna Mahtab

Since 2013, God has been using me for the last several years to guide the body of Christ in both one-on-one and group settings through the power of the Holy Spirit. Christian Life Coaching is what I offer to you.

My purpose is to help you refocus your perspective by helping you reach goals to re-prioritize, re-balance, re-calibrate different areas of your life. One of the ways I help, is to guide you reach goals to shift a negative thinking mindset to a positive thinking one. As a life coach, I stay alongside of you through your process to help support, motivate, encourage, and pray for you in order to ensure that you are going to succeed!

You will get the help to sift through and rule out what is and isn’t working for you in the area(s) you need help in. New strategies and a new action plan will be given to you to work on by the end of each session.

I will be your accountability and prayer partner throughout your process. Having someone to hold you accountable of your actions, as well as having someone consistently reminding you of them, is very helpful. So often, we want to achieve certain results, we start and then we don’t follow through. After many attempts of this, it can get frustrating. Building a good habit takes time, patience with yourself, and repetition. Then, after a certain amount of time, you will naturally flow in it. If this is you, perhaps I can be that consistent push you need to help you on through.

The reason why it is Christian life coaching is because not only do I help you reach goals to get yourself and your life in order, but I also help get you on the right track in your walk with God at the same time. For far too long now, the enemy has placed a veil of deceit over the eyes of Gods people that have caused illusions on the identity of who we are. These illusions have caused impact on our mindset and caused us to be imbalanced in the area of our relationship with God; most of the time unknowingly. Since this area of our relationship with God is off balance, so is the rest of it.  This is why we see it physically manifest in our daily living. Let me help you get this back in order!

So, I will help you recognize this and guide how to put this area back in proper order so that you can start to experience breakthrough in your life! Put God and fulfillment of His heart’s desire forefront and everything else will start to line up.

“ Instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what He requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things.” – Matthew 6:33 (GNT)

I was one of those who was tired of going in circles around the mountain in certain areas of my life. No matter what I tried, it wasn’t working. It was when I was ready to reach out to a life coach myself that I started to experience changes and breakthrough. The accountability and the consistent reminders and push helped me drastically! I am glad that I was ready to have someone hold me accountable for my actions. I am not the same! I want to be there for you and see positive results in your life too!

Everything I do, flows through the power of the Holy Spirit. If God gives me a vision and/or a prophetic word for you, then I would be releasing those to you as well. I start all sessions and end each session in prayer. Let’s face it, prayer and agreement with Heaven has power in the name of Jesus!

“Life Coaching with Sanjna Mahtab” is for you if:

  • you feel like you are stuck, going in circles in certain areas of your life, and unable to move forward.
  • you know you need help to shift from a negative to positive mindset.
  • you are ready to get your walk with God and your daily routine with Him in order.
  • you know you need help but don’t know how to do it or what to do
  • you are simply not satisfied with where you are and are ready & determined to move on.
  • You know you are that type of person that needs someone consistently talk, walk, and push you on through.
  • You are ready to invest in yourself.

I offer you a free 20 minute consultation appointment. The purpose of this is for me not only to share with you the details of the program but also to answer any questions that you may have. By connecting, you can decide if this is the help that you need to break through; as not every life coach may be a good fit for you personally.

If you are ready to see positive changes in your life, then let’s talk! Schedule your 20 minute consultation today.

Let’s be a team on the path to your success!

All the praise, honor, and glory be to God alone. Thank you, Jesus!